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Comment Bluetooth support (Score 1) 131

The Harmony Hub system supports IR/Bluetooth/RF and IP as ways to control your devices. Yes you run the risk of Logitech dropping support for the Hub but that can be true of any device. At least the Hub has a physical remote that works without a connection to a central server.

    Examples of devices controlled by my Hub:
        Roku -- RF
        PS4 -- Bluetooth
        Dish Hopper3 -- RF and IP
        Sony TV -- IR

  A larger issue is some vendors have stopped releasing control codes to third party vendors making it difficult for like Logitech and URC to support the devices.

Comment Re:Destroyed? (Score 1) 283

Not really, from what I have read the shooter was exiting the church after shooting the parishioners when he was confronted by the citizen toting the rifle. So unless the shooter was planning on going somewhere else to shoot additional people he wasn't stopped from killing anyone. What that citizen did is act as a vigilante.

Comment Re:Destroyed? (Score 1) 283

Destroyed is pretty accurate when you dismantle a satellite because you sure as hell can't reassemble it into anything resembling a serviceable satellite. Each of those pieces has to be designed to work together and assembled in a "clean room" to avoid contamination, take it apart and you sure as hell are going to have some contamination that will cause issues in space.

Comment Local pollution problem need the Federal hammer (Score 1) 354

Case in Point:
Colorado Springs refuses to spend money to clean up a storm water problem because that dirty storm water just flows downstream to Pueblo via Fountain Creek. The attitude of Colorado Springs voters is it costs too much money and not my problem because it all washes downstream to somewhere else (Pueblo).

Pueblo sued and won but C\S continues to ignore the problem. The state ignores the problem because of 500,000 voter versus 50,000 voters. Look up TABOR to see how that matters to Colorado politics.

Colorado Springs needs water from the reservoir in Pueblo but Pueblo has the water rights via Federal Law so Pueblo says NO unless you clean up Fountain Creek and the storm water issue. See the Federal Hammer. Now C/S voters are ignoring the contract they approved with Pueblo to spend 460M over 20yrs to clean up the creed but that is another story.

Comment And vice versa (Score 1) 223

It always amuses me when people distrust the people who run corporations while at the same time trust the people who run governments, as if the two are run by completely different kinds of people.

It always amuses me when people distrust the people who run government while at the same time trust the people who run corporations, as if the two are run by completely different kinds of people. You will trust someone who operates from a pure profit instead of someone who MIGHT have the common good in mind, why?

Comment Government Healthcare (Score 1) 92

But hey, let's put that government in complete charge of health care. What could possibly go wrong?

As a member of the United States Air Force the government is in complete control of my healthcare, much more so than anyone under Obamacare. Guess what, turns out that the government can provide some pretty damn good healthcare.

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