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Comment Re:Well what do you know.... (Score 1) 264

Very few software developers actually sell software. Most software developers are paid to build custom software used by the same company that they are employed by or by some other company under contract.

But almost all game developers sell their software (or "in-game purchases" for the F2P games), because video games have no other viable business model. A good video game is often involves massive work on its code, art, music, gameplay, and story. Aside from asking for donations, how do you imagine such workers will be compensated for their efforts?

Comment Re:Lies (Score 5, Insightful) 122

I have never met a competent developer who had trouble finding work.

I HAVE met incompetent out-of-touch, burnt-out, full-of-themselves developers who can't find work. It's this second kind that think they're good but are not and who should be in another field.

As far as finding work goes, you're probably correct. I have, however, met a fairly large number of good developers who are 10x more productive than an average programmer, but have difficulty getting paid what they're worth.

Comment Re:Of course... (Score 1) 361

My point is that we've really lowered our standards in terms of what is a "good" wage or not. 40 years ago it was practically unheard of to be unable to support a family with a single income from a blue collar job, and now you're considered to be doing well to be able to buy a starter home after saving for 5 years working as an engineer with a university degree. Everything is relative, I know, but I'd gladly trade in my fancy tablets and internet for affordable housing and decent schools for my kids.

Comment Re:Of course... (Score 1) 361

We don't need or want more lawyers or politicians. We want more scientists and engineers. It probably holds my salary down in the short-term, but it keeps the US competitive and makes my relatively high salary more sustainable in the long term. $60k right out of school is a very comfortable wage.

It is until you try to buy a house. Then you're in for a rude awakening.

Comment Re:Ah yes, government control of health care (Score 1) 490

This is achieved not by adherence to political ideology, but rather by analyzing empirical evidence and employing the scientific method to determine the best ways in which to promote these goals.

That's a mighty fine quality of bullshit you're shoveling there. There's another name for this: ethnic homogeneity. Have a bunch of people who are fairly closely related and you end up with a bunch of common interest. So Nordic countries can pull off stuff like the Nordic system as a result.

My bet is it has more to do with social mobility and education than any racial element. A rich white person is much more likely to associate with a rich black person than a poor white person.

Comment Re:Ah yes, government control of health care (Score 1) 490

I'm a big proponent of the Nordic system, which constitutes primarily of emphasizing social freedom, well-regulated markets, and low income disparity. This is achieved not by adherence to political ideology, but rather by analyzing empirical evidence and employing the scientific method to determine the best ways in which to promote these goals. Take healthcare for instance -- Nordic countries have publicly funded universal health care not because a bunch of people voted in a bunch of freebies for themselves, but because it was cheaper and more effective than private health care. Likewise, they went with restrictive immigration policies because they can't maintain these benefits if they have an outside group willing to work for cheap. It's not about right or left (though it mostly leans left, since that's where the best benefit to cost ratio usually lies), it's about creating a high quality of life for the people of your country.

Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 2, Insightful) 1448

But one could argue that a polygamist should be entitled to have all his wives covered by the insurance offered by his job and that the polygamist should be able to use income splitting on his taxes with all his wives. That's the point trying to be made here. Why is one type of relationship the only valid one. Why not allow marriages between more than 2 people?

We should allow it, honestly. There's no compelling reason not to.

Comment Re:Ah yes, government control of health care (Score 1) 490

That's the fundamental problem with economic security. It's always at someone else's expense and the effort to avoid risk can be quite perverse in its consequences.

"The problem with enforcing property rights is that its always at someone else's expense. Why should I pay for police who only stop me from taking the nice stuff my neighbor has?"

*Everything* is at someone else's expense in some way or another, because contrary to what you believe, no man is an island. So put down Atlas Shrugged and go learn about life.

Comment Re:Probability fail (Score 1) 277

As the span of time reaches infinity the probability of a global catastrophic event approaches 1. It *will* happen eventually.

This assumes a fixed probability over all time.

If the probability lowers over time, then the cumulative probability can be bounded to any chosen value.

No, it doesn't. For the sake of argument, let us assume that the probability of global thermonuclear war in 2014, 2015, and 2016 is .001, .0001, and 0 (zero chance) respectively. So our chance of surviving 2014 is 1.0 - 0.001 = .999. Our chance of p(2015) = p(2014) * p(2015) = .999 * .9999 = 0.9989001, which is less than the .999 of p(2014). Even if p(2016) is 100% chance for survival, 1.0 * 0.999 * 0.9999 = 0.9989001, which means our chances of surviving have not increased, they have merely not decreased. And as long as the chance is non-zero (and it always will be), the chance of our survival for n+1 years is always lower than the chance of our survival for n years.

Comment Re:Ah yes, government control of health care (Score 1) 490

The nordics are not socialist. They are social democrats with a mixed economy where the government assumes responsibility for some critical infrastructure while aggressively breaking up cartels and preventing (to some extent) collusion in an otherwise free market in order to keep the markets free.

Actually, the nordics are good examples of libertarian ideals.

Yes, of Left Libertarian ideals, but those are almost completely unknown, and probably anathema, to most American libertarians.

Mod parent up. I wish American libertarians could mentally grasp the fact that "liberty" is meaningless in the absence of economic security.

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