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Comment It's only hypocritical as much (Score 1) 171

as greed is hypocritical; you have to be a known practitioner of altruism for your self-interest to arouse suspicions of hypocrisy.

He just wants to take away pew-pews of others, so that only he has the pew-pews. What is hypocritical in that ? The man is a perfect definition of asshole.

Ahh, posting while drunk is heavenly. /. math: 129 of 126 loaded

Comment Idiot. (Score 1) 171

You cannot police 300 m. people (US) with tanks, battleships and fighter planes.

The military is ineffective in the use against the civilians, and if it even happens, it is already too late to return to Republic.

Again, I repeat - it is impossible, logistically, for even a 10 Trillion army to wage war against 300 m. Armed Citizens.

You will understand it, later in life. When you learn about what assymetric warfare is.

And again, I repeat, it is impossible to supress people via SWAT teams even, when they can expect bullets to rain down on them when they break and enter.

Comment Where does "public" start ? (Score 1) 171

It is perfectly technologically feasible to just listen to conversations within your house via a laser-window snooping method; it is perfectly feasible to track what you type on your (unshielded) keyboard via proper snooping mechanisms (free radio waves belong to aether, right ?).

Technology will not protect you from this asshattery; such things would never be accepted in Japan, because there, the WHOLE SOCIETY, ATOMICALLY does not condone such unpoliteness; and YOUR arguments reduce to technological barriers.

I know that I'll get some snide reply, considering who I am reaplying to, but still, this is free aether, after all.

Comment Correction (Score 1) 312

OK, upon further thought, I made an error wherein I allowed for 50 % reduction in hashing rate but not 50 % reduction in power draw. Also, your power cost would be lower or higher, I have no idea.

In the end, it is viable, but the headache and amount of work, especially at such scale, would not be worth it (and I am really serious about fires, in the offices, and the potential of such - where would you put extra ~1500 KiloWatts or heat ?).

This is anything but green, if we could mine bitcoins withn idle CPU looks we'd all already be (bitcoin)millinaires.

Comment rough calculation (Score 1) 312

Let's say a single, ATIx7xx (or better) graphics carded desktop (anything else is not price-effective) consumes ~250 Watt on idle (reasonable estimate).

Let's say you mine with it - you now consume ~350-550 Watt per desktop, let's say, average of 150 Watt per desktop increase.

With 18000 desktops, that would be, if we are careful with time allocation, (8 hours x 150 Watt x 18000 desktops) / 1000 KW/h increase in power consumption, per night.

That is ~21600 KH/h increase in power consumption per night, or 648000 KW/h increase in power consumption per month.

Now, as it is (and it is a floating, quicksand value), 1 GH/s gives you ~2-2.5 BTC per month.

150 Watts of low-medium ranged ATI card gives you ~100 MH/s, (which you want to run @ 50%, for your offices will catch fire, and no, I am not kidding). So that is ~50 MH/s optimistic value per desktop (remember, provided they are optimally equipped, that is, ATI x7xx cards or better).

50 MH/s x 18000 desktops per month is 900 GH/s per month. That would amount to ~1800 BTC, which go by $70-80 right now, say $75. So a profit of 135000 $ if you somehow can convert them to useable (spendable) form.

Now take 135000 bucks per month and substract from that 648000
KW/h per month (where I live 1 KW/h is about 20 american cents).

So you substract from 135000, 129600 Dollars for electricity, and you are left with 5400 Dollars profit (provided you have god like ability to convert that amount of bitcoins to real, useable currency at such rates).

So, in perfect world conditions, yes it breaks even, barely.

Sorry if there were any crude errors, but you get the point.

Comment Some reasons (Score 1) 1

Because BTC mining with CPUs is barely worth (maybe not even, with current diff increases & 25 BTC block value) the electricity price of doing so, and using more thn 50% of desktop GPU power for mining is a very good way to overheat the card. It would only work if all the desktops have semi-recent ATI cards and you know what you're doing (because office desktops are often dusty and prone to overheating).

A thousand undedicated computers is really nothing in BTC mining compared to one (1) dedicated rig.

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