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Comment Rancid Peanut Butter? Mmmmm. (Score 5, Informative) 440

The company shut down in 2012. These were produced prior to the company's closure. This is probably not safe for human consumption at this point.

Consumer peanut butter's got a shelf life of roughly a year or two at most, generally. This stuff is on the edge of that point, if not past. A million jars of peanut butter being donated would probably sit on the shelves in a home being eaten over the course of a few months, which definitely puts it past the point where the peanut oil may begin going rancid -- and that's not accounting for all the jars that will sit in storage, probably for months if not years, waiting to be given out.

Donated food is usually donated because something was mislabelled or a pallet came loose and it wasn't suitable for sale due to damage to the container that doesn't jeopardize the product itself. This has been in storage for years. This is not suitable for donation, this is a bunch of jerks trying to make themselves look good and try to drum up donations while making a company that HAS given them donations in the past look bad because they're not giving them donations right now.

Comment Speaking of unrealistic expectations (Score 1) 94

They want their flying car to be completely autonomous. I want their flying car to be released to the public in a completed state, period. And the five dozen other "flying cars" while we're at it that are sitting in development hell because the FAA will not approve them for use. Ever.

I suspect we are both equally likely to get what we want!

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 2219

They do not care about the existing user base. What they care about is the potential that they see for the brand name "Slashdot". They will happily lose us all in order to try and get what they think they can get without realizing they're poisoning the well.

When it doesn't happen and it completely tanks, well, none of us will be surprised. But then we won't be here anymore. Sites like what they're trying to make are a dime a dozen and name recognition means next to nothing when you do not have an existing user base, or worse, when you've done like they're doing now and actively driven away your users.

Comment What people are forgetting... (Score 2, Insightful) 150

Going to the moon isn't merely a curiosity or a scientific achievement. It's a statement to the world that you were able to accurately land a payload on a target more than 350,000 km away. If you can do that with a rocket that leaves near-Earth orbit, it means you can do it with one that does not leave Earth orbit.

In other words, moon landings are how you tell the world you have ICBMs (or at least the ability to make them) without the public throwing a fit about it.

Comment Re:Bed Size Still Too Small (Score 1) 141

I've taken weeks to download good games in the past, due to dial-up and an unstable connection.

I would be perfectly willing to wait a year and a half to print out all the parts of the car that I've downloaded. I wouldn't be downloading it if I didn't know that it would be reliable enough to make it worth my while. Besides, it would beat the hell out of spending at twenty grand on something decent.

Comment Re:Here's a question... why? (Score 1) 543

Don't discount the psychological factors. Besides, in jail/prison, people are deprived of most stimulation that the public in general takes for granted. Meal time is one of the few sources of stimulation that is harder to take away.

Also, that crap isn't smoothly blended. It's chunks of crap compressed into a loaf and baked, it's like taking your average dinner and throwing it into a blender for maybe ten seconds. At least soylent actually is homogeneous. You can't honestly tell me that you think it's an appetizing idea to take a chicken breast, biscuit, and a couple of veggie sides, then blend it and bake it.

Comment Re:Reflective Armor (Score 2) 173

Most mirrors are not perfectly reflective surfaces, despite how it might appear to the naked eye. The amount of light striking the mirror also causes heat build up, but the imperfections will reflect the light imperfectly if at all and your mirrored surface will now have larger imperfections for the laser to screw up. As this happens on a time scale of next-to-instant, well... you know.

For the laser itself to be burned by the reflected light, you would need a mirror that is pointed specifically at the laser and at nothing else.

Comment Re:Too little time... (Score 1, Informative) 312

Don't be silly. At that point in time there were no planets at all -- hydrogen was about the only thing in the universe, until stars started burning hot and fast to put heavier elements into the universe.

This article is pointless conjecture. Conditions for life as we know it could not have possibly existed, due to a lack of pressure, gravity and a planet to live on, materials required to put anything together, etc. The only thing that this shows is that it was warm enough for life, while utterly disregarding the rest; it's like saying that you have an oven that's heated up to 350 degrees, so there should be a cake in there, without putting any of the ingredients into the oven. Including a pan for the cake.


Submission + - Google looks to cut funds to illegal sites (telegraph.co.uk)

rbrandis writes: Google is in discussions with payment companies including Visa, Mastercard and PayPal to put illegal download websites out of existence by cutting off their funding. If Google goes ahead with the radical move, it would not mark the first time that illegal websites have been diminished or driven out of business by having a block put on their source of cash.

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