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Comment Re:First post? (Score 4, Informative) 225

I've been using TV-enabled satnavs here in Japan for many years. The law forces dealers to make the TV switch off when the car is moving.

However most 3rd party fitters will bypass this restriction, and it's fairly common to see asshats driving round with the TV fully on.

Comment Re:Fine by me (Score 5, Insightful) 665

No, but all this does is cracks down on "official" astroturfing. We all know that xenu's followers will simply do their edits from home, from now on.

This sort of thing cannot be contained if the information is publically editable. I just hope this doesn't mark the beginning of the end for Wikipedia.

Comment Re:please explain (Score 1) 153

I can't explain that. That was my first thought. Having been subjected to a lenghty and in-depth security screening many years ago, I was under the impression that many of those things would be insta-fail, especially if you wanted them kept secret and were therefore blackmailable.

Comment Re:How do you pull with a push? (Score 1) 267

Pushing it "up" on the right part of an already elliptical orbit could make the orbit more elliptical, meaning it would come closer to earth on the way 'down', i.e. at the sides of the ellipse, where hopefully it would have drag imparted by the atmosphere which would slow it down, shrinking the size of the orbit, further advancing into the atmosphere until it burned up.

Like a spring that's vibrating up and down. you can get it to bounce higher UP by just nudging on the way DOWN.

Comment I bought a card that was "not activated" (Score 1) 388

I bought a UK gift card off e-bay to use with my UK itunes account. it sold at a discount to value, but not a massive discount.

I got the seller just to send me photos of the card, and tried to credit my account, and it said "card has not been activated". So it seems that in the UK, at least, there is a system whereby retailers "activate" individual serial numbers at the point of sale, and unless this takes place they are not accepted.

Having said that, I bought a U.S. one which worked, and was actually sold at a premium (I imagine lots of foreign buyers wanting cheap dollar-based prices). I hate to think that was fake, I never even saw the card.

Apple has gift-card by e-mail as a service, too. If you've received a number like this and used it in good faith who to sue? By the time you enter it, you cold be 5 links away from the scamming perpetrators.

Comment First fucking paragraph (Score 0, Troll) 409

!n the day you deliver your baby, you'll probably be overcome with visions of your future with your child - first smiles and steps, birthday parties and sports events, and holidays and life milestones. Your little one ever becoming seriously ill will probably be the last thing on your mind. But some parents do consider the possibility that a serious illness might someday affect their child - and they make a choice on the day their baby is born that might impact the future health of that child or even their other children. They're deciding to bank their newborn's cord blood. And if you don't, you won't be like them, the people who give a flying fuck about their own goddamned children. You'll be just like you. Ignorant, and stupid. I hope you kids die of a rare tropical disease. Then you'll wish you paid us $1000 per year won't you, you cheap bastard.

Comment "Entry Level" (Score 1) 821

Like that oft-misused descriptor "Entry-level". A euphemism for "the cheapest one". As if someone who's getting their first *whizbangitem* by definition should get one of lower quality or reduced functionality. Regardless of intended use.

Comment Re:7 or 9 inch iPhones (Score 2, Insightful) 197

I'd buy one immediately. I use my iPhone 3g for loads of things I used to use a laptop for. I'm on the verge of buying an iPod touch to use around the house and take on trips to use for entertainment (i.e. stop my daughter from stealing my phone constantly!) and internet where WiFi is available. The main advantage of the iphone over the ipod touch for this purpose is somewhat negated by the ridiculous and exhorbitant fees charged by the carriers when data roaming. The one downside of the iPod touch is that it has no internal speaker or microphone. The other downside of the iPod/iPhone family is that internet, whilst useable, is still a tiny bit pokey on that tiny screen. If it were 7-9 inches and very high resolution (as the iPod/iPhone are), we may get away without taking the laptop. I see the point that it would have to be backward compatible with iPhone apps or run a proper OSX to be useful, but a proper OSX isn't geared towards using fingers so I suspect it will be the former. Newer apps may have the option to use higher resolutions when using this tablet. /Is that a 7-9 inch iPod in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?

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