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Comment Re:Very BAD idea (Score 1) 287

This would be catastrophic in many cases. I think the lawsuits would pile up quickly when the number of head on collisions rises due to the car speed being capped and not able to gain enough speed to get around someone.
All it would take is a few vanloads of soccer moms getting nailed for the the public outcry to be substantial.

Comment Re:Whole Baby Salve: Anecdotal, but Works (Score 1) 447

Homeopathy is "also quite dangerous" is painting with rather a broad stroke it seems to me.

Like everything it depends.
If one is saying ...I will take this homeopathic remedy vs say a known cancer drug that is efficacious then I would agree.
That indeed is unwise and will result in early death.

If one is saying I will give my kid some Arnica ointment for swelling vs say using some anti-inflammatory like ibuprophen to ease the swelling then I couldn't agree less.

As for the Article...
"The reviewers sum up their report by saying that homeopathy should not be used to treat any health conditions that are chronic or that have the potential to become serious."

This also has a rather broad stroke approach. There are many who suffer from chronic things for which there are not really any great treatments or for which the treatments themselves have many side effects and long term problems. I see no problem with people seeking out alternate therapies which ultimately may not help, but do not have other life impactful consequences.

I think we can agree that for things with effective treatments it is folly attempt to substitute things which don't work for things that do work. For the bulk of medical conditions, this means standard evidence based therapy and medications.
Calling someone "hater" can actually be an apt description of someone with no argument, but pure bile in their discourse.

Comment Re:Quinine. Original homeopathic for Malaria Works (Score 1, Troll) 447

So are you saying that homeopathy is simply water and sugar?

I thought homeopathy was:
"the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease."
Quinine in a detectable dose that is large enough causes malarial like symptoms. That is the very definition of homeopathy.

Comment Re:Arnica montana studies show to work. (Score 0) 447

Ah.... it is called a homeopathic remedy and sold in homeopathic places and in studies is called homeopathic Arnica.
Quinine also is homeopathic and comes from the bark of a tree. Not sure whether being an herbal remedy makes Arnica not homeopathic.

The arnica in tablet form is known as a diluted homeopathic..
Web MD even states: "However, some oral supplements contain highly diluted arnica. These are considered homeopathic treatments."

Perhaps I am confused.

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