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Comment Re:Another kind of click bait. (Score 1) 283

"At the risk of offending you... I think the problem worked just fine."

That's exactly my point. With this type of interview I'm accepted/rejected as a candidate based on how well I identify the trick in the question rather than my actual 20+ years of real world experience.

In an interview I would admit I'd need to research how to solve such a problem (not thinking into part B at all because I already know I don't know part A). The interviewer may then to prod me into realizing the trick in part B. At which point I'd laugh it off and say "Oh yeah! Interesting haha!" while feeling very annoyed inside.

After all that, the interviewer still knows nothing about my past experience, my work ethic, how I've approached and solved real world problems or how effective I would be applying my experience to the position should I be hired.

Comment Re:Another kind of click bait. (Score 2) 283

It would have weeded me out. I don't know anything about the first part of the problem so I stopped thinking about it even before considering B.

It doesn't change the fact that I've got 20+ years professional experience and am very good at what I do. These types of interview questions do not identify the skills and competencies required for technology careers. They just waste a lot of people's time and eliminate a lot of people with the requisite skills and they don't ever know about it.

Comment Re:More than a single thing (Score 1) 141

Thanks for this list. I hate the guy but it's nice to see some good things that get lost in the noise.

The only thing I'd leave off this list though is the donating his salary. I mean I'd totally donate my salary too if I could use my position at work to open business opportunities for myself and make 5 or 10 times more.

Comment Re:Until next year (Score 1) 149

I'm struggling to understand the benefit of 5G. Data plan caps make the data throughput you can get out of the tech worthless. No one can actually take advantage of it. You're capped out for the month after streaming one high def movie. They advertise like it's this great thing but in reality you can't use it.

Comment Sensationalist headlines at their best! (Score 1) 138

"Facebook says it was 'not our role' to remove fake news during Australian election" is a completely different statement than "Facebook has declared it is not 'our role to remove content that one side of a political debate considers to be false'".

Please put down your pitchforks.

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