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Submission + - Google enters Bond Market (cnn.com)

UnanimousCoward writes: For sure, the /. purists will be up in arms about a post pertaining to Google taking on corporate debt to the tune of $3BUS, but I, for one, find it interesting...

Comment Re:Also on Slashdot: (Score 1) 395

On the 'it depends' vein, for me (since it's all about me), I need to have tethering for my laptop since I need connectivity outside of wifi areas, so my tablet can take advantage of that also. I'm resigned to the hassle of carrying my phone with me constantly, so I always have it when I have my laptop or tablet or whatever...

Comment Re:any Apple fanboy want to support this lawsuit? (Score 1) 465

Yes, I'm a fanboi, so help me out here with my lack of objectivity. IMHO, there's just something wrong with the similarity in phones in this picture in this article and others: http://onlygizmos.com/apple-shoots-a-lawsuit-samsung-promises-response/2011/04/

I mean, even the phone icon is the same color? And favorite grouping look and feel? The only major layout difference I see is the page control is on the top of the Samsung device as opposed to the bottom on the iPhone.

I'm not in agreement with the petty pieces of the suit, but I have a pretty strong reaction to the blatant copying as shown in this example.

Submission + - How to Optimize a 5000-to-1 VCU Bet? (usatoday.com)

UnanimousCoward writes: I know this is /., and that the phrase "March Madness" and the reference to the publication USA Today give my submission a snowball's chance in hell to get posted, but here goes :-) Somebody put a $10 bet on VCU at 5,000-to-1 to win the NCAA basketball tournament and is now 2 wins away from a $50k payday. How should that person best hedge the bet now?
  • VCU is favored against Butler in the next game. Should that person make a spread (-2.5) or moneyline (140/-120) bet, and how much?
  • If VCU beats Butler, then what hedge should be made in the Finals? I'm assuming it depends on the odds (of course) and the previous hedge (???).

Comment Re:Number (Score 1) 964

>Remember, the plant weathered the quake just fine and its backup systems were running UNTIL the tsunami came along.

Yeah, and the fact that the critical parties involved were warned that the infrastructure would not withstand a tsunami that was not out of the realm of real possibility and did nothing about it reinforces the notion that private industry or government that is in the pocket of private industry can't be responsible for making the important decisions here. It's the overall policy that is the problem, not just one frigging tsunami excuse.

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