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Comment Re:For you, maybe. (Score 2) 647

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Somehow, the last few years of this industry,
seem to me like we re taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

Never before did I have to adapt to the computer, it always adapted to my way of thinking. Lately, in order to use the new gadgets, i have to forget that multitasking even exists.

Amazing this progress is...

Comment Re:What constitutes invention? (Score 1) 154

The patent office does not care about your patent. Never did, and never will.
It just cares about the patent application, its form and fees. It is up to the patent applicator to enforce the patent and ensure there wasn't prior art.

If there was, the spent money on the patent and the lawyers is a waste, but it does not come out of the patent office pockets. Actually, everybody makes money in a situation like this, except for the patent applicator.

Comment For every new feature we lose two (Score 1) 222

You know what?

I still haven't found an app that can sync contacts and SMS between Symbian, Windows Mobile and/or the Sony Ericsson standard platform. A bit less that 10 years ago I could do all that on PalmOS - the app was called GSMtool - and Ericsson/Siemens phones through IR.

Something that you could try is making your own cloud. Try a VM with Funambol, some say it does work. Haven't tried it myself.

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