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Comment Re:"Undetectable" is a strong word (Score 1) 550

I believe by "undetectable" they mean something more like "indistinguishable from surrounding material using current techniques". But apparently even that seems questionable as a number of others in this thread have claimed that these things should still be showing up distinctly on x-ray.

Comment Re:Let's Fix the Title (Score 1) 638

What I think is tragic is that something like Google Glass has some awesome potential for driving. Perhaps a "Car Mode" that locks out internet and displays maps, road conditions, maybe even work out some sexy little indicator for cars in your blind spot. However, you can't enforce "Car Mode" in any non-big-brother way so people are just going to drive in "Facebook Mode".

That is, it appears to be a tool with the potential for great good as well as great disaster. However, history shows that people tend towards the great disaster choice (because what if that cute girl from class "likes" one of your posts? YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW!).

Comment Re:Freedom of Speech / Freedom to Listen? (Score 1) 169

Why don't they just give you a NAT'ed address and be done with it forever.

Which is what my ISP did. And they're damned proud of it, too. Even have a webpage dedicated to telling people how awesome and safe this whole NATing thing is. A big problem is that the tier 1 techs have no idea what that even means. I reckon they have to have some incentive to resolve issues themselves as opposed to escalating tickets because they fight tooth and nail to hold onto your issue, even if they're not authorized to resolve it ("Can I get a public IP?", "I need a new modem provisioned", etc.).

Comment Re:Waste of money (Score 2) 121

I have mod points and it took every ounce of my being to not abuse them on this post. There is no '-1 Disagree"...

Seriously, though. A plant based diet can and does work, but it's needlessly difficult if you don't have any ethical hangups about animal products. That is, in order to fill the nutrient gap left by omitting animal products you have to do a fair bit of globe trotting to import all of those plants capable of doing so. This can be prohibitively expensive and is really not something that would have been casually possible before globalization (I think it's kind of silly to claim that our bodies will collapse unless we adopt a diet that has become possible only in the past 100 years).

The saturated fat and exogenous cholesterol dogmas are byproducts of a 40+ year old hypothesis that has never once been corroborated in a clinical study. The best it has gotten is a handful of cherry-picked epidemiological studies (while ignoring a good number of epidemiological studies that disagree with it). In fact, I believe that the "low-fat" diet has been pretty damning to our health as a society. Fat is not just an energy source, we absolutely do use it for other processes such as cell construction and hormone production (cholesterol, specifically, is a precursor to EVERY hormone your body makes). Fat and protein also tend to go hand-in-hand in nature, thus haphazardly cutting fat tends to drastically decrease protein intake as well. So we're down to low-fat intake and low-protein intake but we need those 2k calories a day somehow. Now the average low-fat dieter is cornered into an extremely high carbohydrate diet just to get through the day. Are carbohydrates the devil? Heavens, no. But 500+ grams a day for years, if not decades, in a row? Well...T2 diabetes seems to be a new standard in the developed world.

If you do the research, find the producers and can pay the bill then a low-fat, plant based, diet can absolutely work. Most dieters, however, don't, won't and can't. They're not eating quinoa and avocados. Instead they end up replacing otherwise benign animal products with low-fat snack cakes, bagel after bagel, massive plates of daily pasta and other crap.

Bah, this was a bit of a disjointed rant. Just stick to the outer edges of the grocery store (the produce, meat, dairy and seafood sections) and stay away from products with more than 2-3 ingredients on the label. Also, stop eating stuff you're allergic to. Seriously. If you're fat, sick, constipated and asthmatic then maybe that daily glass of milk and scoop of peanut butter isn't do you the favors you thought it was.

Comment Re:Three words: Network Address Translation (Score 1) 166

You misunderstand. People are being NATed BEFORE it reaches their own equipment. Providers doing this claim it is to fight off the dwindling IPv4 supply. It also makes it impossible to get any services through without begging the provider. I'm experiencing this right now as my router is pulling a 10.x.x.x/8 address on its WAN. No amount of port forwarding on my pfSense box is going to work around that. I have a ticket open with my ISP to request a public IP but I have no idea if they're going to tell me to sod off or not.

Comment Re:Expect more of this. (Score 2) 608

Seriously, how many people are going to switch to Linux over this?

Well...me, for one. I had used Slackware for my day to day desktop from 2004 to 2010. In 2010 I decided that Windows 7 was "good enough" and that I was tired of dualbooting to get to a handful of games and apps and didn't care to emulate or virtualize. I still use CentOS for my server but for my day to day use I've enjoyed Windows 7 just fine on my desktop. In the coming month I'll be purchasing a new laptop as I return to school for software engineering. Had Windows 8 not been such a disaster, and 8.1 not looking too rosey itself, I may have considered keeping the original install on the laptop but now it's a complete non-decision. I'll be wiping it almost as soon as I get it and likely be installing Fedora onto it (really, I'm open to this and am experimenting to find what I like. I'm up for whatever works best for a software student's laptop. Any insights on this?).

I'll continue to use Windows 7 on my desktop, but as that ages and loses support I can see myself jumping back to Linux on the desktop in the future to avoid a Windows 8 upgrade. Microsoft had my attention for several years there, but they're really trying to drive me away again.

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