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Comment Re:You will have to know tech either way (Score 1) 592

Bah! Well first, thank you for a real response backed up by knowledge in the field, but still, bah! This is exactly the type of thing we don't like! Isn't it obvious that "assholes" are poison to a workforce?

Yes, it is, but WHO those people are is hard to pin down.. you ask someone on a survey "are you a shit-head" they tend to say "No"... even if you ask "are most of your friends shit-heads" well, they see right through it.

Was all this studying really necessary for that conclusion? If not, then the relevant portion of the study is how to "detect" assholes. So what's the answer from management types (I'm not trying to offend, just give a perspective) - paperwork! We'll make everybody take the same impersonal test asking dumb, subjective questions for which most people will just throw out whatever answer they think management is looking for. And this is astounding? Color me unconvinced.

I agree, the subjective BS questions need to be eliminated and replaced with questions that work to detect what we're actually looking for. No one likes taking those BS psych profiles so making them less BS is what I'm going for

Everybody knows who the assholes are...or is the goal of these new-fangled psychological techniques to remove the necessity of a manager to actually interact with their employees and know who they are?

The problem is that the way that people determine who the bad-folk are, how we judge another person's character intuitively, is exactly how the worst of the worst get into power. They know the subtle tricks and cues necessary to gain trust and confidence and exactly when and how to exploit that.

If, on the other hand, we have empirical studies that give us another perspective on the situation it can help the manager make a decision that he would have otherwise ignored.

This sort of research does work. It used to be that companies had a marketing department, a finance department an engineering department.. and they would war with each-other, passing things up the smoke-stacks and then fighting when the product came out the top.

Through empirical based management studies we've found that project teams, where marketing, finance and engineering all work together helps everyone understand one-another's perspective and create a product in a much shorter time.

PHBs and marketing guys swooping down to call the project 'unmarketable' are a thing of the past for companies built on good, recent, research... such as Toyota. On the other hand GM was a dinosaur unwilling to change and THAT is why it went under.

Comment Your head is up your ass. you eat necro-farts (Score 1) 335

Folks... the title I used is a TROLL

Saying "i think MS doesn't need to worry about linux compatibility" is NOT A TROLL.

Get your heads out of your asses and stop censoring dissenting opinions.

Nah, just joking, no doubt that the community thrives when we repress the demonic idea that the year of Liniux on the Desktop will never come.

Comment Re:You will have to know tech either way (Score 1) 592

Many of the "skills, techniques, and tools" that managers try to stay up on are merely bullshit. I'm curious (seriously) what things you think managers need to keep up with that don't fall into that category.

I am a management researcher. The scientific tools that are available for operations, organizational behavior and human resources are astounding.

An example is a paper i just submitted looking at ethics as it relates to trust. I found that those who are what a layman would call "assholes" do not see integrity or openness as an important aspect of trusting someone.
Those who are not "assholes" see integrity and responsiveness as important aspects of trust.

Operationally: we can pick out the assholes and get rid of them (as they tend to be the ones that screw you) by asking them to rank the importance of openness vs responsiveness when it comes to trusting someone.

This is a small part of a large picture of ongoing, highly applicable and functional, research that goes on in the business world. It is amazing the kinds of things you can find out about people when you bring psychology, sociology and economics together in an attempt to find out how to best lead, manage and control people.

Comment This idea works (Score 1) 398

If research institutions counted an free text book towards the publishing necessary for tenure then you would have an almost limitless supply of people willing to write about every esoteric subject imaginable. They do this now in the form of journal articles, where many authors pay fees to the publisher simply for the honor of being published.

Comment Re:Insane price... For taxis a no brainer. (Score 1) 462

That's also about the usable life of a vehicle and, in comparison to the price of the gas, a savings of 14k a year. even if they are super-high-quality and hit the 200k mark the car still costs 21k relative to a 25mi per gallon car.. so being as how you can get a car with better millage with the same capacity for a taxicab at about 14k paying 50% more doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

add to that that your relative, if he works only 250 days a year (standard 50 work weeks a year with 2 weeks off) then he drives an average of 400mi a day.. which is a full 1/3rd more than the car has capacity.

If it was just a little better, would run 400mi a day city driving, say the batteries cost only 4k to replace every 100k miles and the rest of the hardware kept going 500k then the gas savings would pay for the full price of the car and revolutionize not just the taxy-cab biz but how we all drive and utilize our vehicles.

If people that the gimped "only 400mi a charge" car I had would pay for itself completely over the course of its lifetime they would all get this as a commuter car, without question... but that day is another two or three generations off.

Comment no... (Score 1) 398

The answer only tells you if you've had a child yet. No parent, without a serious psychological problem, can look at his or her child and think that there is any higher calling on Gods earth, nor believe for a moment that anything would be worth trading that child's existence for.

Comment Re:Its not rocket surgery... (Score 1) 865

"but not 1 lb for every 3500 missing calories." YES IT DOES!

But your BMI is lower so you end up with less than 3500 missing. This is a bad sign, compensate with exorcise as essential that is what you are giving up with a lower bmi.

most people hover around 1500-1800 as a minimum before their lack of food intake hurts metabolism.

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