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Comment Unsubstansiated losses! (Score 0) 398

"But it may be a case of too little, too late as "a report (PDF) released in August forecasted that U.S. websites will lose US$21.8 billion in ad revenue this year due to ad blockers," writes Jeremy Kirk.".... Really?

That's a very large assumption, just like the RIAA's claims of lost sales due to piracy. With or without ad blockers, I never click on ads. If I want to buy something I seek it out and research it online before buying via online or brick and mortar. If an ad is a popover, auto play video or audio ad, or any other type of ad that gets in the way or slows down my access to viewing a website I wish to visit, I will leave before the page loads. Embedded static ads are the way to go. Why should I have to wait on a slow third party ad sever to decide which irrelevant ad to show me?

Comment Sure House... Unsure land! (Score 0) 51

I had to laugh when I visited their website, they build a hurricane resistant house on a non-hurricane resistant sandbar(in the rendering). That is one of the problems facing us, the idiotic notion that a sandbar, sometimes called a barrier island, is a good place to build permanent structures. We shouldn't waste private and public money on these areas as well as flood plains along lakes and rivers.

Comment Bob Lutz is bombastic! (Score 0) 535

Bob Lutz may be an icon of the automotive industry, but he is also a protector of the Detroit old guard automotive types.
  So when Bob says, "And when it comes to actually making cars," Lutz said, "there is no reason to assume that Apple, with no experience, will suddenly do a better job than General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota or Hyundai. So I think this is going to be a gigantic money pit, but then it doesn't matter. I mean Apple has an embarrassment of riches, they don't know where to put the cash anymore. So if they burn 30 or 40 billion dollars in the car business, no one's going to notice.",
  I hear: "Apple may force the old guard automotive types to once again step up to the plate and innovate and compete with this newcomer called Apple." And they hate to change unless forced to. Change costs money they hate to spend.

Comment You know if nthey did this from space.... (Score 0) 273

"HP To Jettison Up To 30,000 Jobs As Part of Spinoff"

If done from the ISS you would have 30K of pretty light streaks in the night sky .

It seems HP has as much concern for it's workers a human waste, they both get jettisoned.
So rather than meet cost of living payroll obligations they just shift the work overseas because of course that will create more consumers that can afford to buy their products in the US?

Comment X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (Score 0) 137

Preacher: Are you a sinner? Do you wish to be saved?

Dr. James Xavier: Saved? No. I've come to tell you what I see. There are great darknesses. Farther than time itself. And beyond the darkness... a light that glows, changes... and in the center of the universe... the eye that sees us all.

[Looks up at the sky]

Dr. James Xavier: No!

Preacher: You see sin and the devil! But the lord has told us what to do about it. Said Matthew in Chapter Five, "If thine eye offends thee... pluck it out!"

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
