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Comment Crappy economy = more reliance on faith? (Score -1, Flamebait) 625

>> what's behind this data?

I think the grind of the crappy economy over the past five years is driving more people back into the arms of faith, including astrology because it has such an easy on-ramp. (Published horoscopes...) Anyone know any surveys that might confirm/deny?

Comment 10 doctors? Obamacare fixes that... (Score -1, Troll) 74

"While I was working for Red Hat, I got very sick... I ultimately had to go to 10 doctors to be diagnosed. "

Good news, under Obamacare, you'll never have that problem again.

1) Are you connected to a political bigwig? Goto #8.
2) Set appointment for doctor. Wait X months.
3) Get appointment. Roll 1d6 and goto #5 on a "6."
4) Otherwise, learn you cannot see specialist now, goto #2.
5) Get appointment with specialist. Wait Y months.
6) Get diagnosis. If you do not like it, goto #2. If you go like it, get on list to be treated.
7) Die of old age.
8) Get approved for treatment.
9) Begin treatment.

Submission + - CISSP security exam adding "drag-and-drop" and "click the spot" questions (

An anonymous reader writes: The fabled CISSP security exam (six hours, 250 questions, packed with "experimental" questions) is spicing things up in 2014 by adding "drag-and-drop" and "hotspot" questions to the exam. According to (ISC)2, questions will be scored in the same way that a multiple-choice question is scored because there is only one right answer to each item. So...which is easier — the old "pick one of four answers" format or the new visual question formats?

Comment Good luck sneaking a rocket launch... (Score 1) 265

>> And that means the prospecting of asteroids is likely to become a highly secretive commercial endeavor in the not-too-distant future.

Given the large numbers of even hobby astronomers, the chances of sneaking a payload into space are pretty small. (See also: X37).

Comment Re:I really have a hard time (Score 4, Insightful) 341

>> Is it really so damning the Obama didn't consider Afganistan "his war"

I think it is, for a different reason. A lot of folks elected Obama to get us out our middle eastern wars as fast as possible. The fact that Obama's been dragging his feet on that front, even starting new wars (e.g., Libya), suggests (reaffirms?) that Obama has been a spineless president, bullied into more military action by his military advisers, Gates included.

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