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Comment Re:can anyone explain why the parent was modded tr (Score 1) 140

Yeah, sure, Turkey's ruling Islamist party is really going to be pro-American. I suppose that's why they're fstanding up against Israel, after having been in a fairly cosy relationship with them.

congrats for falling for the farce. 'they are islamist, so they cant be pro american'. thats what they want the populace here to think, and thats why exactly people here think, vote for them, and keep them in power.

the reality is, laws that are even PROPOSED in usa by private interests, pass here in turkish parliament even before u.s. congress/senate starts debating a law draft for their version. see, all kinds of stuff that are pushed on you, from domain name censorship to filtering systems, have been passed not within a month later than they have been proposed in america. its insane.

not to mention that, erdogan (current pm) and gul (current president, ex external affairs minister) were recommended by rand corporation, cia-s public relations arm, in their 1997 report. report outright said that, for america's best interests, these should take power, and one should be pm, the other external affairs minister. it happened exactly the way report wanted later. report should still be available out on the web. back then when it hit the papers, we thought it was a good idea, since these people seemed milder than the other islamists out there. but we stand corrected.

I suppose that's why they're fstanding up against Israel, after having been in a fairly cosy relationship with them.

hahaha. 'standing up to'. they dont stand up to anything. whenever israel screws up something, they come in the news, bark against israel with strong statements, and do NOTHING. sorry - they dont do 'nothing'. they do the opposite - award the juiciest military contracts to israel, refrain from whatever israel does not want to happen, support israel in all its endeavors - right to the point of being the tool for the israel-desired, u.s. propagated overthrow of syrian government. they even came to the point of talking about intervening in syria, as if everything else was in good order, and russia was not next to us on the map and openly stated that they are going to take it as an aggression.

every time israel does some shit, erdogan comes up, talks threateningly, the radical party in power in israel responds in kind, and both sides do a good advertisement for votes. and both sides can ramp up radicalism, censorship and various other 'measures' by showing each other as a threat. all the while israel army is modernizing turkish army. its a win-win situation.

congrats for falling for the facade.

Comment Scaremongering, inventing enemies. (Score 3, Interesting) 121

Thats what u.s. 'deep government' backed by private interests have used to keep suppressing freedoms and keep progress and plurality outside not only u.s. but all nato members :

Every nato member got one of these founded in their own country. these underground organizations then staged assassinations of non-u.s./nato aligned political figures, journalists, activists. in most cases, extra steps were taken to set up leftist (or whatever opposing faction) terrorist organizations which were actually under control of these gladio clones. these terrorist organizations then staged terror attacks while claiming to be doing these for the political views that gladio wanted to alienate public from. for most of the cold war, this was left ideas. and not surprisingly, in all countries these terrorist attacks were used to alienate public from those political views, marginalize their ideas, and also implement various 'security' measures and laws to limit freedoms.

i dont need to tell any american that after soviet union ended and there was no way that this scheme would work, suddenly the 'terror threat' from islamist groups replaced these - and you all know what happened after 2001. ...................

this is no different. in case you have noticed, we are having an extremely ridiculous amount of 'cyber threat' bullshit coming out of not only private interests, but also the government. they are basically just applying the same policies they used to control every aspect of life, to internet. internet was 'way too much' free for them.

i think we dont need to even dwell on the fact that tsa is just a cog in this machine. but, they are floppy at it.

Comment PETITION EUPARL ! (Score 5, Informative) 138

if you are situated on an eu member country, or, live/work in an eu member country, or, is employed by a company that is registered inside eu, you have the right to petition european parliament. you also have the right if you are citizen of a country that is an official candidate for eu.

Petition euparl from below link. tell them to fuck this shit :

this is no joke petition - its official petition form of euparl itself. just drop your real name, address while petitioning.

Comment reaaaaaaaallly (Score 0) 231

i really dont understand this 'saving ass' myth that goes on about in usa. you really think you 'saved' world's 'ass' ?

like what, stuff like these ?

or, are you talking about world war ii, in which the majority of fighting burden was carried by soviets, and the losses given by the allies were mostly on soviets ? with their neverending manpower ?

Comment reaaaaaaaallly. (Score 1) 231

you think because people were buying things that they intervene in countries ?

get real.

if people dont buy their things, they make them buy their things through buying politicians and laws to create the exact same environment in usa.

the fact that you think power of wealth is not something infectious, tells me that you are rather young in the ways of this world.

Comment there is your problem. (Score 2) 263

Just for the record, I agree. I'm a registered Republican.

still following a party that has a record of fucking people up for the profit of the minority elite, OVERTLY. while others do it covertly, these openly declare its their philosophy. it doesnt matter what your philosophical reasons are for supporting them. you are supporting them despite thier track record. because people like you do that, that party can exist as a power that can grab government. if you havent, they would recede back to 20-25% radical segment like similar line parties in other parts of the world are.

Comment Re:can anyone explain why the parent was modded tr (Score 1) 140

You almost got it, only it was one blogger who was never arrested or charged with any crime

idiot. it starts like that. its another form of suppression. they did same thing in turkey. like your sold-out government, turkish government is also america's bitch. back when they won their first election, press was free. now prime minister makes weekly meetings and tells all press leaders to what to print in their newspapers and broadcast on their tvs.

Comment haha dude (Score 2) 140

you're funny. so in your alternate reality, boer war and world's first genocide never happened, in india people were not shot and batoned down (and that happened in mid 20th century ha !), endless smaller repressions around southeast asia et al were hallucinations. and just at the turn of the century, british air force (then new) commanders were reassuring british government that palestinians had had learned the value of carpet bombing first hand, since their cities have been bombed by world's first carpet bombing mission.

dude. ...

you're funny.

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