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Comment Re:Great deal! (Score 1) 365

And a huge tablet like a Surface 3 isn't clumsy?

My Nexus 7 and 15" notebook both fit nicely in my case, and combined cost at least a couple of hundred bucks less than the Surface 3. If I was to spend that much on a laptop, I'd get a helluva better unit than this underpower device.

If it works for you, great. Myself, I consider it an appalling waste of money.

Comment Re:Slashdot editors owe me a new keyboard. (Score 2) 365

Look at it this way. Now that they've found the Atari 2600 ET cartridges in a New Mexico landfill, there's plenty of room for all the Surfaces (all variants) that Microsoft can't sell.

It's amusing watching the mighty Redmond Emperor with his clothes off; a whole product line and who knows how much R&D and marketing cash dumped into it, that almost no one actually fucking wants. It's so bad that they can't even get their OEM network to build the fucking things and they have to put them under their own brand name as they try the final futile stunt of acting like they're Apple.

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