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Comment Dam' thiols! (Score 1) 126

Thiols ("sulfer alcohols") are almost all stinky stuff! It's not just BO, they're in onions, garlic (hence the association with the smell), skunky beer and wine, and of course, the mercaptans -used to provide odor to natural gas. One of the most noticible is skunk spray. Interestingly, some studies have shown that they can also act as sexual attractants. But, please, take a bath/shower, and try soap and clean, before going "funky for the ladies".

Comment Source to noise... (Score 5, Informative) 129

The original article http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu... has some interesting graphs showing efficacy under certain situations. Looks like sometimes it can be fairly effective. What's missing are the frequency (ies) and sound energy the bracelet (transducers) puts out. Normal conversation is about 60 dB in amplitude. If you can get an SPL out of the transducers exceeding this, then the source (conversation) to noise (jamming) ratio will be low enough that the level will swamp the input of the listening device. The signal has to go through an A/D converter on the front end, and if you can get enough volume out of the jammer, that's all it will pick up. No amount of post filtering will make the signal intelligible.

Comment Don't care (Score 1) 85

As long as the rules are understood, I don't care what Facebook puts up as ads. They should be marked in a way so that they will be understood as political ads, not just random commentary. If Facebook's rules are that politicians can say whatever (lie) and not be censored, then it's understood that what's in the politician's ads may actually *be* lies.

Likewise, if the rules are that PACs must be truthful, and will be censored if caught, then that's what you know to expect going in.

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