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Comment Re:So will stacking us vertically (Score 1) 394

But do you dislike it enough to pony up for business/first class tickets? No? Then suffer, cattle.

Or fly a better airline.

What many Americans consider premium economy/economy plus is standard economy on many non-american airlines.

Its not just Asian carriers like Singapore and Cathay Pacific putting most American airlines to shame but many European carriers as well. Even COPA out of Panama offered a better experience, included in the price was 2 checked bags, a meal and a far more comfortable seat on modern 737-800's (COPA's main downside is that the hosties only speak Spanish). Hell, including some baggage in the price is why I prefer Southwest when I have to fly in the US.

Air travel does not have to suck. However the US is determined to make it suck.

Comment Re:Are these relevant? (Score 1) 195

Funny that the same site, iFixit, that whines about "repairability" seems to always manage a COMPLETE teardown without having to bribe anyone for special tools, take a bandsaw to the product, etc., eh?

So basically you're saying they're in the perfect position to tell you just how difficult it is to get them open.

I've opened and repaired a few things that were _NOT_ designed to be user serviceable. Most of them are difficult to open without being broken, but none are impossible even when you require special tools. There's been a few times when I've had to MacGyver a few tools myself (I.E. a bifurcated screw involved taking an angle grinder to an ordinary flat head screw driver). Your "point" has only demonstrated your lack of ingenuity here.

That being said, there's a reason I prefer to buy things that are easy to work on. This is the main reason I bought a 200sx (Silvia S15) rather than a 300zx which was more powerful and cheaper. The twin turbo V6 in the 300zx takes up literally all of the engine bay making it a complete pain to work on if you dont have a hoist (its no walk in the park with a hoist either).

Comment Re:Step 1 (Score 3, Informative) 195

Clearly you're not a gamer. 60 GB installs are the norm these days.

Or video editor. Unless you are fastidious about getting rid of stuff, you can stack up some serious GB on each project.

Not a video editor, but I've been a sysadmin for GIS companies, they deal with a shitload of high res imagery as well as databases. GIS analysts have to be fastidious about using fast storage and slow storage. We've been able to provide them with a lot of slow storage for ages now but fast storage is still expensive even with consumer grade SSD's. They still have to set up their work to read from slow storage and write to fast storage, after processing is complete they move the finished product to the slow disk. I set up a modern GIS workstation with 2 SSD's and at least 1 big spinning disk. I use one small SSD for the OS and applications and a second larger SSD just for processing.

If the company is rich enough to give them fibre channel connections to a SAN it gets a lot more expensive (the extra processing speed on server HW can be worth it though).

Comment Re:Step 1 (Score 2) 195

Almost everyone does digital anymore. For some stupid reason though, the PC gaming industry refuses to adopt Blu-ray, so they just ship games like GTA V on a truckload of DVDs.

GTA V had 7 DVD's.

As for Blurry, its going the way of LaserDisc. Digital distribution is taking over and Bluray doesn't offer any advantages over DVD. In fact it has a few disadvantages, the fact the drives and media are too expensive compared to DVD. For people that need Shit-ton of portable storage. A 64GB SD card or USB thumb drive is cheaper and reusable. When games become too big for DVD, they'll be shipped on flash media instead.

The use of optical media is declining, but I'm still going to bet DVD will outlast Bluray.

Comment Re:Step 1 (Score 4, Informative) 195

Clearly you're not a gamer. 60 GB installs are the norm these days.

How does that work? Multiple Blurays?

No one sells games on Blurry. Chances are they never will, the drives are just not popular and digital download is slowly taking over as a means of game distribution.

I bought GTA V in physical form. It came on 7 DVD's and I still had to download another 5 odd GB.

60 GB installs are only the norm for "tripple A" dross because they're too lazy to use compression on audio and textures. I've bought a lot of non-AAA games during the recent Steam sale, the largest was Cities Skyline at 2.9 GB.

Comment Re:"Sin free" easy to localize (Score 1) 293

Once again you've failed to localise properly.

If they really want it entirely sin free it will be easy to localize: a blank page is the same in any language.

No, no, no, no, no.

Blank pages promote imagination with leads to all kinds of sinful thoughts and activities like reading books and playing games. Worse than that it encourages children to think for themselves, which is the root of all sins.

Blank pages are the work of the commu-devil, heathen.

Comment Re:Preening Progressive Prius Pricks (Score 1) 688

No law needed, once the government stop subsidizing oil diesel and gas vehicles will be as expensive to drive as they are in other countries and electric will start to look a lot more attractive.

And the oil price will have to skyrocket.

I live in Australia where we pay A$1.40 per litre (US$5.80 per US gallon) and we've got an A$0.37 per litre fuel excise (as well as a 10% GST, included in the price). The pre tax price of petrol is under A$1 per litre. So petrol isn't that expensive. Even in the UK where they have even more tax on petrol (what we pay in Aussie dollars, they pay in UK Pounds) it isn't prohibitively expensive to keep a car in fuel.

Meanwhile, electric vehicles are twice the cost of equivalent ICE vehicles and have a limited shelf life as the battery packs will degrade over 10 years. Also there's the cost of electricity, the A$0.22 per KW/h rate will easily double if just half of drivers buy a plug in vehicle.

Beyond that, no-one is buying them because the range is terrible and recharging takes several times longer than the drive to deplete the battery. 10 hours to charge and 100 KM to deplete. Petrol will need to be 4 times its current price to make this alternative better.

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 2) 1307

Greece LIED/MANIPULATED their financial reports to get credits. You can't blame banksters for that.

What you meant to say is the creditors failed in their due diligence to ensure the information was accurate and correct.

Its not as if Greece hasn't got a history of corrupt and less than honest government.

This is a huge shit sandwich that should be eaten primarily by the creditors but we all know is going to be passed onto average people who had no part in the decision making process.

Comment Re:responsibility (Score 1) 342

sparkling debate about who is responsible for the accident

The Audi/VW group has waaaaay more money than the robot manufacturer. I bet I know who the deceased's family sues for compensation.

Erm... In countries with sane industrial relations laws the employer is directly responsible for ensuring that all the equipment provided for use is safe and the worker is trained on how to operate it. So yes, they will be the ones getting sued, however in this case, the family will only be entitled to sue if they can demonstrate the employer failed this "duty of care". If the employee forgot to set the safeties or ignored procedure, they dont have the right to sue. If VAG failed it's duty of care, the fines from the regulatory authority would dwarf the compensation claims anyway.

VAG will likely offer compensation to the employees family out of an obligation in either case (in Germany this is likely negotiated by their evil unions that dare to look after employees).

Comment Re:I think Apple's glory days are over (Score -1, Troll) 311

with Steve Jobs dead Apple is slowly sliding to the back of the technology race, a good android smartphone is just as good as an iphone for much less cost, and Linux on a PC is looking better everyday, i give Apple another 5 to 10 years and they will be a shadow of their former selves

Apple has always been behind in the technology race. The only thing Steve Jobs did was put them ahead in the propaganda and marketing race.

Good Android smart phones have always been cheaper and more capable than Iphones, the only thing that has changed is the RDF is wearing off and more people are realising what many of us have known for years. Android were offering 3G and LTE phones before Apple, its a joke amongst Android users that Iphone users can have the same features in 2-3 years... If Apple lets them.

Same with their computers. The hardware is the same COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) as other manufacturers but has a higher mark up, the software is nothing special. Most people who know how to use a computer end up infuriated when trying to use a Mac.

Apple has a problem now that Steve Jobs' cult of personality is diminishing. Without that, they're just another hardware vendor in a very competitive market.

Comment Re:Why all the Safari/Apple hate ?... (Score -1) 311

As a 20yr IT guy

As a 35 year old sysadmin I can say your inexperience is showing. (and I work in IT.. and push it pretty hard.. so No, I'm not "just surfing Facebook" with it)

Looking at the various current certifications (VCAP-DCV, VCP-NV are the ones worth mentioning) I can say there is a metric shit load that doesn't work on Safari. So I'm calling shenanigans on that.

Looking around at a room of IT specialists, the only ones with a Mac are middle managers. This is why we dislike it, it's a product designed to keep the user occupied, not to enable the user to be productive.

Comment Re:Drone It (Score 1) 843

Originally, the F22 was to fill the air superiority role (and it does that better than any fighter ever made), and the F35 was the mish-mash of other roles. Everyone following this stuff knew the F35 wouldn't be great at any one particular role, but for dogfighting it was always a joke - and really, that was OK, as the F22 had its back if needed. But we stopped buying F22s way too soon, we don't have enough, and the huge R&D costs weren't spread across enough planes.

The F35 is meant to be a replacement for the FA18. Many countries with a small airforce tend to use one type of jet, the FA18 is the first choice in multi-role fighters for those who can afford them.

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