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Wireless Networking

GSM Association Slams Euro Call For Ban On Wireless In School 271

jhernik writes "The ongoing debate over the supposed dangers posed by mobile phone usage and wireless signals has exploded once again. An influential European committee has called for a ban on mobile phones and Wi-Fi networks in schools – the GSM Association has denounced the report as an 'unbalanced political assessment, not a scientific report.' The report made its recommendation to reduce mobile and wireless use in schools, despite admitting that there is a lack of clear scientific and clinical proof. However, it said the lack of proof was reason enough to restrict use, just in case, comparing mobile phone radiation to other things whose dangers were once unknown, such as asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco."

Comment condensation problems... (Score 2) 213

When I experimented with mineral oil based cooling, the main issue I had were water droplets condensing on the surface of the cold mineral oil and then promptly sinking... towards the motherboard sitting in the bottom of the old aquarium I was using as a case. Of course there were solutions to this problem but it was a quick and dirty (you can take that dirty word quite literally) test back when I was a student, so we gave up on the idea pretty quickly.

I wonder how they have managed to solved the condensation problem.


Submission + - Microsofts fakes browser comparison

doperative writes: "One of the scenarios consists of Galactic which doesn’t run on Opera, but for some reason Opera is still present in the overall power usage table and scores lowest of all browsers. Also notice Opera has a long grey bar in the bar chart for Galactic"

"Here’s the kicker: if you calculate back the score that they assumed for Opera to score in Galactic, Opera scores very poorly: 26.00 Watts. It seems a little suspicious that Opera gets exactly (11.290 / 7.704) * 17.742 = 26.00 on a test that doesn’t even run" http://wwwery.com/13070-browser-battery-consumption.html">link

Submission + - Scientists Map 95% Of Human Gene Variations (medicalnewstoday.com)

ferdo1 writes: An international team of scientists has mapped 95 per cent of the genetic variation that can occur in any human, completing the first phase of the 1000 Genomes Project, which aims to produce a comprehensive public resource to help researchers study all types of genetic variation that might cause disease in humans.

Submission + - Nintendo 3DS vs. Apple iPad 2: who will win? (arnnet.com.au)

An anonymous reader writes: Both hardware vendors are headed straight towards a head-to-head battle for space in the carry bag – it might be difficult to imagine the typical person carrying both around on a daily basis, and with Apple showing a great deal more interest in the gaming market (it launched Game Center just last year), it will be competing with Nintendo for space in the public transport commuter’s bag, as well as those $$$s that are spent on time eating games and entertainment.

Submission + - Doomsday Bunkers sales skyrocket up to 1000% in th (heaven4geeks.com)

kingkaos69 writes: Apparently after the devastating earthquake that hit Japan a few weeks ago and the subsequent Fukushima nuclear accident, the fears of a nuclear meltdown run rampant. Why you ask? Well, according to CNNMoney, most U.S. companies selling doomsday bunkers are seeing sales skyrocket anywhere from 20% to 1,000%...

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