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Comment Re:Opt-out (Score 3, Interesting) 212

Using OpenDNS or Google DNS messes with content distribution networks. I don't recommend using them.

There's many reasons to run your own DNS:
* Improved performance, even if small.
* Avoid ISP incompetence (plenty ISP's don't honor refresh/expiry times or otherwise deliver a sub-optimal DNS service.)
* Ability to include alternative TLD's.
* To apply your own filtering (for everyone in the home).
* Use DNSSEC if your ISP doesn't.
* Run your own internal domain (e.g. for development purposes.)
* Hosting your own DNS and website from your home server.

etc. I'm sure others could come up with much more.

Comment Re:Opt-out (Score 1) 212

The "viewers" don't even need to change their DNS. The webmaster can simply register another domain or use the IP address in his links. If the aussie viewers are sufficient for him to create content (which is what we're really fighting here - supposedly), then they're also sufficient for him to take these simple and cheap measures.

Really, this filter is totally bogus. The only thing it will filter is joe blow visiting or whatever else accidentally ends up in the filter.

Comment Not everyone cares (Score 2) 159

When doing consultancy a lot of people told me flat out they didn't care about security. Quotes like "Anyone can walk in here during lunch and steal whatever they like; why would I (as the IT director) spend $$$ on computer security when management doesn't even care to lock the door." were very common. While the logic is obviously flawed it does illustrate that it simply wasn't a priority - which is not the same as living in ignorant bliss.

Comment Re:How did he steal it? (Score 1) 90

When someone doesn't deliver you cancel the contract according to whatever the terms agreed were. This happens all the time. Many people learn from their boss only to open shop themselves as soon as they can. I think that's quite common too.

The Winkeldudes not handling these two very common issues well really just show their lack of experience. I don't like Suckingberg one bit, but I don't see why he owes them anything.

Comment Re:Finally... (Score 1) 410

Exactly. Besides, didn't Creative just uses someone innovation called "MP3" and made it portable? That in itself isn't innovative per se. Or better said: there's innovation in many parts of the chain, but the one that matters is the one that sells.

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