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Comment Re:I don't use jQuery, here's why (Score 1) 250

If by 250k you mean 80k, then sure..

-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx staff 85260 Apr 30 10:28 jquery-1.5.1.min.js

If you're building any sort of complicated website these days, you will use alot of jQuery.. Do you really want to go write a custom ajax handler? why bother..

Plus, using jQuery allows you to leverage tons of other pre-written libraries which were all written on top of jQuery and will avoid alot of cross-browser bugs and repeated code..

Comment Re:PHP alternatives (Score 1) 622

2. Ruby: You go to war with the webserver they give you, not the one you want.

Huh? WebBrick is really only meant for development use.. You can hook any web server up to rails easily. For apache, just gem install passenger...

Comment Re:Fix? I think you mean, "migrate" (Score 1) 622

It sounds more like you're used to what you're used to and don't want to change. Meanwhile thoose "overexcited college grads" don't want to be weighed down by the 20 years of trash thats part of the PHP code base... I'm a PHP dev now, and was a rails dev for 5 years - I'll take ruby/rails any day.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 622

Rails is very easy to deploy..
  1. 1. gem install passenger
  2. 2. Point the apache vhost to the public directory.
  3. 3. Restart apache..

There ya go, fine tune passenger to your hearts content...

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 622

I've spent alot of time writing code in Ruby/Rails... I've now been a PHP dev for 2 years and have used alot of what I learned in rails and applied it to PHP..

I don't see why you'd prefer php language constructs over Ruby - they are more tedious in every way right down to having to write "array" in front of every array.. (thank heavens they finally changed the latest version)

@array.map! {|x| x**2 } is much easier to read/understand than using the equivlent array_map function in php.. (Or for that matter using foreach or classic index-based for loop)

PHP's biggest problem - to me - is the lack of a FastCGI-style environment where code is already running and requests are just fed to the running daemon.. For this reason, its always going to be slower than other languages.... APC is an attempt to do this but its not very mature yet and still requires byte code to be interpreted on each request. Facebook wrote a PHP->C++ translator and that should say alot about the state of the language...

Comment Re:What does that even mean? (Score 2) 213

Windows 8 will be just as relevant to the business market as they ever were once you disable the terrible new UI, and that's all that matters anyway (whether businesses choose to skip Windows 8 in favor of waiting for the next iteration is another possibility, but unrelated to all the tablet nonsense).

Atleast in the consumer preview, there is no way to disable metro, there is no start menu to fallback to..

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