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Comment Re:Funny that (Score 1) 126

I don't believe that there is Free Will in heaven. Angels don't have free will, and the grand experiment of humanity is supposed to be seeing what we do with it after having been seduced into eating from the apple of knowledge and gaining the ability to exercise free will.

Theology teaches that God is everything, the supreme master of the universe. Roll with that concept - God is everything. Our souls are slivers of His consciousness. When we die, we take our collected memories and experiences back to Heaven with us, assimilate back into God, and pass on our knowledge to His omniscience.

Think of God as an infinitely complex quantum AI. Infinite data points powering a quantum SDD, with infinitely large cache assessing everything at once, and the only problem is God's ability to contextualize ... Time.

There's a great argument to be made that in the beginning, God damned Time. Marvel has done some interesting things with the concept of the multiverse and celestials - beings of infinite power that are only constrained by dealing with lesser beings' inability to conceive of research done over timespans that can't be grasped by mortal beings.

Languages all translate God into something akin to "Eternal Peace." If you do away with allegorical references to virgins, mansions, streets of gold...going to heaven is peace. The most peaceful we ever get is when we're asleep, not exercising free will, or when we're in the grip of the neurochemical wonders of an orgasm for a few moments. Heaven is ecstatic joy, the penultimate excess of top left cerebral cortex expression.

Comment Re:God make it stop.... (Score 1) 183

FWIW, I'm not a fan of pandering to woke people ... and movies and TV shows that care more about showing sexual equality or women telling men to stay in their place are as uninteresting to me as movies where men tell women to stay in their place.

I hope it isn't written as awfully as some of the recent Star Wars devastation.

Comment Re:God make it stop.... (Score 4, Interesting) 183

To counterpoint ....

Some of us like it. LOTRO - the online MMO - had a fantastic exploration of middle earth, and I have amazingly fond memories of years of exploring middle earth and learning more about the lore surrounding the universe that Tolkien created. I'm looking forward to seeing the universe expanded more.

Comment Re:parthenogenesis =/= virgin birth (Score 2) 60

Upvote this.

Without conclusive evidence that the females were 100% monitored, with no access at any point to any other male ...

Imagine if all the Jerry Springer shows that had paternity tests showing that the husband/boyfriend isn't the father led to scientists all declaring, "IT'S A VIRGIN BIRTH!"

Comment FOR SCIENCE! (Score 1) 281

Unpopular Opinion incoming:

-I believe that climate change is real.
-I believe that humans cause climate change.
-I do NOT believe that science is conducted by polls.
-I do NOT believe that polls of scientists, including scientists in unrelated fields constitutes valid science. They constitute polls.
-I believe that those polls are gamed for political agendas.
-I do NOT believe that any intelligent person - let alone scientist - would look at the world around them and deny that humans cause climate change.
-I do NOT believe that this this is useful information for making scientific or policy changes.

Papers and politicians alike would do well to stop waving polls at each other and start using peer-reviewed papers founded on the rigorous application of the scientific method. I get that stupid people care about polls, but discussions don't have to be dumbed down for stupid people; stupid people who want to understand what is happening need to educate themselves to intelligently join the discourse about a topic.

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