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Comment Re:How do you make a lego character female? (Score 1) 208

I am continually surprised at how many different things my small kids can build out of even sub-100-piece sets. In the past, Lego kits came with pictures of alternate things to build, and maybe that's what you were thinking of. My kids (and friends') don't seem to need encouragement to use their imagination when it comes to building castles, spaceships, cars, monsters, robots, blaster platforms, robo-grandma, SuperPantsMan, and Frank Rock/Iron Man hybrids.

Comment Re:K&R (Score 1) 352

K&R was an excellent introduction (short, expensive, valuable). However, I think I learned more about the why of C from reading Harbison & Steele, "C, A Reference Manual". It was a book for compiler implementers and programmers, and went into some of the design decisions, which really helped my comprehension.

Comment Re:That's some crazy shenanigians right there. (Score 3, Interesting) 303

As I read it*, the argument is over the 37 verbatim copied headers that define the API. That's like Oracle making a beautiful (ahem), elaborate sign explaining how to ring their doorbell. Google made their own doorbell but copied the sign, embellishments included. While the content of the sign is "fact", the decorations are arguably product of a creative process.

While I'll have to wait for better analyses of the ruling, I think we can take away that if you're reimplementing a library, you might want to reimplement the headers too.

* IANAL, and I'm not speaking for my employer. I only scanned the ruling.

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