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Comment Re:fast lane for AT&T (Score 2) 112

I would think it's the opposite. If they can get you enough peers on AT&T itself, they can solve 2 problems.

1. They don't have to clog their peering agreement pipes. So the bittorrent traffic stays completely local, making it faster because of less latency.

2. The MAFIAA never finds out about their users pirating everything so they save money not playing copyright cop.

Comment Re:Tip of a wave of prosecutions against devs? (Score 1) 102

Not to mention that they took everything down except for, as you mentioned, 1. duplicates (because you don't know that a DVD copy is being used illegally, maybe they have permission) and 2. Files that the US Government asked them NOT to take down as part of a criminal investigation.

Comment Re:Okay, so... (Score 3, Interesting) 378

Figure out what to cut out of that. If I could figure out a way of inverting it and eat the big meal in the morning I might be better off but the timing sucks.

Easy. The carbs.

Toast = carbs. Milk = carbs. Snack bar = carbs. Yogurt = carbs. For two meals every day, your protein to carbs ratio sucks. Eat 125g of carbs per day or less. Count it out. Then, eat as much protein and vegetables as you like. Meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, carrots, celery, pickles, etc.

Here's what I ate on my way to losing 70 pounds in 9 months:

Breakfast: Bacon, eggs fried in butter, hot or iced tea. Limit myself to one slice of toast, one piece of fruit or a half cup of juice (about 4 ounces), if at all

Lunch: This is where I eat most of my carbs. As a programmer, I must have one Coke (40g carbs) in the middle of the day to function properly. Beyond that I would eat something with only about 30g-40g of carbs.

Dinner. Again, eat about 30-40g of carbs max, depending on what I ate the rest of the day. If I need to snack after dinner, it's meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, carrots, celery, pickles, etc.

The weight dropped off effortlessly, despite me eating as much as I wanted. The problem is that our modern society has shifted food to where our balance is completely off compared to how we were designed.

Comment Re:.NET applications on Linux? (Score 4, Informative) 253

WinForms has worked fine on Linux for a long time. WinForms in Mono. Even better if you declare a folder named "C:" and then declare 5-6 folders named "Program Files", "Program Files (x86)", "Users", "AppData", etc. under that. If you declare the right folder scheme, a large percentage of Windows applications will run perfectly on Mono as is.

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