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Comment Too many... (Score 1) 4

I can only imagine that this kind of thing takes the cat out of the bag for children. There's no way to explain that many Santas away and still say with a straight face that Santa is real. maybe going into mall after mall and seeing 'A' Santa in all of them, but not this many all in one place.

Comment Yes, '98 or so. (Score 1) 5

The email that I got with this picture had the caption, Winner of the Not-My-Job Award. Is it sad that I still have it saved and kicking around? No don't answer that!

Submission + - Photoshopping about to get harder to detect

Frosty Piss writes: "We all know by now that you can't trust magazine covers and advertisements for skin-care products. The power of Photoshop is startling when you see it in action, and realize how much the representations of reality we see all around us are distorted and "improved" according to whatever the current standards of blemish-free beauty are. While we learn how to detect the tell-tale smudges, spots of flat color, inconsistencies in lighting, and pixilated artifacts left behind by digital manipulation, Dr. Ariel Shamir has developed a technique called Seam Carving that will make detection of Photoshopping much more difficult in the near future. As shown in this video, it's astonishing and almost disturbing how easy and fast it is to distort distances or remove objects entirely with this new tool."

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