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Comment I'm 50 (Score 0) 370

I'm 50. I've been working in software development (mostly C++) for 25 years and my salary and bonus are at maximum levels. There are programmers under 30 that have talent but most trowel out shit code. Most know little of or care about design, correctness, etc. There may be age discrimination in some areas. I work in medical devices in MN where it must be less common.

Comment Re:What moron puts IPMI public facing? (Score 2) 102

I was asking about this on the OVH forums just the other day, in fact:

Our IPMI are actually configured on a private network separated from Dedicated Servers network using a private VLAN for all the IPMI traffic fully secured via our network equipement.

There is two way you can access the IPMI connection:

1- Over a Java applet which generate and send you a .jnlp file valid for this session only. (This method let you use keyboard and mouse)

2- Over a webrowser via Serial over LAN that use a temporarly generated user valid for this session only.

Comment Majority? (Score -1) 646

A 2-1 vote, by unelected bureaucrats no less, decide to strip Daniel Snyder of his rightful property because a chronically underachieving people claim to be offended. Why bother with a vote? Why not just issue an edict from the Whitehouse? Shred the rest of the Constitution while your at it. Obama is gutting this country.

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