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Comment Re:"But I want it now." (Score 1) 267

I love how the other two comments are right, but voted to negative to be hidden, while chucklenuts here has a 2.

Sorry "Fly Swatter" people pay for Prime. They pay to have their stuff sooner. They don't have to "grow up" because they have. Paying to expedite things is part of that being an adult. Not getting what you paid for gives you the right to complain, and it doesn't make you immature.

Comment Re:I'm a going to say this (Score 1) 503

How in the hell is this modded up to insightful? This is hardly insight of any kind. Inciteful? Sure.

Porn is as hard to access by kids as it need a to be. People need to stop asking the government and other authorities to do the fucking parents job. Little Jimmy can't see titties on the Internet if mom and dad actually give a fuck and do the things they need to to keep it from happening. Monitor computer access, use programs to restrict access, you know, actually be a parent. Fucking hell...

Comment CueCat all over again (Score 4, Interesting) 191

The company that made the CueCat wanted to be able to do just this eventually. When I worked at Radio Shack in the early 00's we gave these stupid things away. Information coming down the pipeline said they eventually intended to make a device that connected to the PC and would respond to audio cues in advertisement on TV and open a browser to the product page. At the time it sounded retarded, like, "who the fuck would want such a thing?" Laugh's on me I guess, everyone wants an Echo or Home now.

Comment Know how else users can get faster load times? (Score 5, Insightful) 83

By websites not have 20 tracking pixel GIFs, 50 different ad servers, 5 different CDNs, 10 tracking servers, and a partridge in a pear tree. Websites are built fucking stupid these days, too much shit relies on too many other sources to work correctly and if even one doesn't respond in a timely manner, the whole thing stalls.

Comment Most of the web sucks period... (Score 4, Interesting) 325

Even with fast Internet connections, websites are so bloated with ancillary scripts and tracking code and cross linking to 20 different various advertising and content servers that you get stuck waiting no matter what. CDNs helped but you're still hostage to X advertising companies one slow server because it's not on that CDN.

Comment This has got to be one of the dumbest articles... (Score 1) 191

...I've read on /. I mean, come on, really? Should everyone rush to leave any given brand or ecosystem every time one particular piece fails? (Hint: the answer is NO)

All hardware vendors experience issues of varying degrees with things they make. Some manage to recover, some don't. Abit was one of the great mobo makers of the time. Bad caps marred them, but it doesn't diminish all the excellent stuff they had made, and had they weathered it better they'd likely still be making excellent stuff that people would buy. Asus got hit by the bad caps too, but they managed to survive.

All the hard drive makers, every last one of them have had drives with varying levels of defects. That doesn't diminish the good stuff they made prior, nor did it mean everything they'd go on to make later would be terrible too. Every company that makes routers has issues from time to time.

If everyone ditched a company every time they had a major flaw, no one would be able to buy anything at this point.

Comment Re:Audio (Score 1) 114

I've seen this complaint before, but I don't understand what people are talking about. I bought a Sony "mechless" head unit for my car so I could use BT for playing music, and it sounds fine to me. FWIW I'm not one of those that thinks 128K CBR MP3 sounds fine, I can usually tell up to at least 192K MP3 that it *is* MP3, ie I can hear the compression artifacts. The MP3s I put on my phone are compressed to VBR0, J-Stereo. It sounds quite decent in my car, plenty of "punch" as you put it. Granted I do have the bass and treble hiked a bit, but no different than if I were using the line in instead.

So what is this terrible added compression in BT that destroys fidelity that people speak of?

Comment Re:Equivalent (Score 1) 204

So you're totally okay with the asinine idea that for a simple traffic stop it's cool if they start shining all kinds of lights and doing other scans to see if they can trump up what they've got you on? That's fucking ridiculous. There's absolutely nothing reasonable about that, or the scenario under which this happened. Claiming the bag looked like it was trying to be hidden is incredibly thin. People have messy cars. Is anything peeking out from under the seat immediately suspicious and warranting a search?

This whole thing is bogus and the court is clearly in the wrong here.

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