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Student Googles Himself, Finds He's Accused of Murder 184

University of Florida student Zachary Garcia was more than a little surprised to find out he was wanted for murder after Googling his name. It turns out the police were looking for a different man but had mistakenly used Garcia's photo. From the article: "Investigators originally released a driver's license photo of Zachary Garcia — spelled with an 'A' — but it was Zachery Garcia — spelled with an 'E'— who was charged in connection with the crime."

Comment Re:Cry me a river, billionaires (Score 1) 866

Evidently you don't understand the proposal. There is NO TAX on people earning less than $200K ($400K if married).

This is going to affect the lower level 200k+ people significantly more than the upper income levels (1m+) as they will suddenly lose a 1/20 portion of their income (and need it more than those who lose nearly 1/10)... how many of us would agree to a 5% reduction in salary at the drop of a hat (yes, I know part of this is deductible on the federal income tax)? How many businesses are going to be willing or able to increase the junior partners' (or equivalent) salaries that 5%?

Ahh, I see where you're going; you think that once you cross the magic $200K line you get socked with a $10K tax bill, or more. No, you don't understand taxes. Have you ever filed taxes? The 5% rate is on income OVER $200K. Someone earning $201K owes exactly $50. Fifty bucks. No, the lower level junior partners aren't going to affected at all. The number only gets large once you are single, pulling in $400K, at which point you owe $10K, which is a whopping 2.5% tax, overall. And for married people, the numbers are even more stratospheric.

I wish my taxes, state and federal, were anything like this good.

Comment Re:Lawyer? (Score 0, Flamebait) 554


Look at the early years of the telephone system. Multiple phone companies, each with their own lines and subscribers. A business needed to have a phone with each major phone company in order to receive calls from its customers. The sky was black with competing redundant phone lines (slight hyperbole, but there are pictures of ludicrous pole congestion).

We've tried full deregulation, and it's messy.

Shut the fuck up and go back to your Randian basement.

Comment Re:Why put tabs in code anyway? (Score 1) 390

One of the things that bothers me is that if you set tab to use spaces, it becomes some weird special-case key, treated differently than every other key on the keyboard. If I type the key labeled "A", I get an "A" character in my document. If I type the key labeled "Space", I get a space character in my document. If I type the key labeled "Tab", I get a "Tab" character in my document. Why make things hard?

Really? What do you get when you push the key labeled Delete? Or the one labeled Shift? Or the one labeled -> (cursor right)? I think you've got lots of keys that don't insert what they're labelled as.


Comment Re:Why put tabs in code anyway? (Score 1) 390

I agree with the other commenter. It is awful.

Not because it isn't all on one line, that would be worse.

But because of the leading commas (noted by the other commenter as an abomination) and because the indentation varies by the length of the type name. An appropriate way to deal with potentially long lists is to end the line with the open delimiter (curly brace in this example), and then indent each item by a standard amount; finish with the closing delimiter on a line of its own indented to match the outer line.

I'm not going to fight with Slashdot's lame input field/text parsing, so here is an example with leading underscores:
data User = User {
__login_id :: LoginId,
__login_password :: Password,
__first_name :: Maybe FirstName,
__last_name :: Maybe LastName,
__email_address :: Maybe EmailAddre,
__user_permissions :: [ Permission ]
} deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

Comment Re:DTMF (Score 1) 454

Sending DTMF over a cell phone doesn't actually send the DTMF. You hear it locally, but it really works like VOIP: special packets are sent with the digits pressed (and lengths of time) rather than encoding the sound. The cell system turns it back into audio once it hits the regular phone network.

Most voice codecs do a lousy job on non-voice signals, like DTMF tones, so the phone skips the encoding on button presses so that DTMF controlled devices still work from a cell phone.

Try holding a DTMF encoder up to the earpiece of a cell phone (bypassing the local dialling buttons) and see how the tones sound on the other end; they usually sound pretty distorted, such that a DTMF recognizer won't.

Comment Re:More proof (Score 1) 926

While that's bad, it's not unique to government. Every department in every corporation is run exactly the same way. Fear of government is irrational; you won't get better service from the private sector.

Our budgets are tightly compartmentalized, so we can be faced with a surplus in the hardware budget; better spend it now, whether it's necessary or not, or we'll never get it again. Meanwhile, just try to travel. Travel budget is empty, although the justification for the travel is much better than the justification for more hardware. Money should be money, right? Nope, travel money is entirely different from hardware money.

So your anti-government quibbling ("And people want more things run this way? I shudder at the thought.") is in fact exactly how things are run today.

Comment Re:still no function pointers for me :( (Score 1) 346

I think he means that non-static member functions can't devolve to plain old function pointers, so you use them as callbacks. This is because they implicitly need an object on which to function, and most non-C++-specific callback APIs don't have a mechanism to pass the object. Also the types are C++-specific, so the API becomes C++-specific.

That said, I think others have worked out how to build shims that integrate member function callbacks into C-style APIs, at a small extra cost (the shim needs to get called, then turn around and call the member function using an object the shim collected earlier).

That's my take on that specific complaint, at least.

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