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Comment Re:Robbery. (Score 2) 90

You should hate Amex and their 4.9% then. A lot of merchants will tell you that you can take Amex or Discover and plant it firmly in your ass. Dont forget that now that cash-back is so pervasive, its going to be hard reducing fees. If you are getting 1% back you can bet your asses its 3.5% at the merchant.

Comment Re:Tired of streaming? (Score 1) 27

Did you find space to be an issue? I recently had to start buying 5mm and 6mm jewel cases branded for 4k and Bluray. Which in turn had me scaling down the size of the slip covers and re-printing on glossy paper. All in all not a bad hobby. Space has definitely become an issue when wanting to preserve 1 case per title and not go for some scrapbook approach of just flimsy sleeves.

Comment Re:Windows 11 is to blame (Score 1) 74

in a way it is deliberate. Economies depend on consumerism. What causes more purchases? 1 time expenses or consumables? This is why the subscription model of software has become a constant. Rarely does a business buy a copy of MS Office anymore. Instead you sign up on a monthly per-seat pricing for Office365. And they are not the only ones doing that by far and away. If you are in the business of selling toilet paper you always have a market of repeat customers. Selling treadmills is a lot less of a recurring purchase so your sales strategy consists on always finding new customers. Unless you happen to do dumb shit and send a 6 pack of Bud Light to a tranny influencer who badmouths the NFL right before the superbowl, you can bank on a steady income of revenue from repeat customers. Electronics have fallen into this area. Even pregnancy tests are now electronic and disposable after a single use. Its not like they made them like the diabetic blood glucose machines where you plug in the testing portion but keep the electronics.

Comment Re:Right to repair (Score 1) 74

The largest issue that right-to-repair wont solve is the items in that $10 - $100 range. When the labor and parts of a handyman exceeds the cost to buy a replacement. In the 70s TV repair and repairing toasters was a Big business. Who fixes a $30 toaster? Or a $150 flat screen 32in TV? TV repair shops at the time fixed everything from 12in TV to the large 27in models.

Comment Re:Mandatory... (Score 2) 74

The problem is I could either spend $100 repairing a battery power bank, or spend $23 on amazon for two more just like it. As long as a total replacement is more convenient and costs less than labor costs of repair, people wont do it. That leaves geeks like me fixing shit because broken stuff bugs me. Even of I buy a replacement; I am compelled to try and fix something before tossing it in the trash.

Comment Re:Windows 11 is to blame (Score 4, Insightful) 74

Dude its waaay beyond PC and Laptops. That stuff sticks around a lot longer than cheap consumer grade shit. Nobody repairs anything any more. You throw away what, one laptop, every 3 years? 5 years? When was the last time you repaired a set of ear buds? Or a digital thermometer? Or any other gadget that costs you less than $50. Fuck at one time people actually repaired their toasters. Air fryer go out on you? Time to just buy another. We live in a very consumerism dominated world and the entire economy depends on you throwing shit away because it costs more time and money to fix versus replace.

Comment Re:windows 7 (32bit) with teamviewer is easy to ha (Score 1) 77

The suck part of that is that inevitably these expenses only drive up utility prices. So some fuckwad goes consequence free working out of an Iranian government building. Should drive up their costs seven fold. Nuke their oil fields so they cant be used for 30yrs. Only people buying it was Russia in exchange for the hypersonic missiles they gave the Houthis. Seems like eliminating Iranian Oil would hurt Iran and Russia more than the drop in production would impact global sales to the rest of us.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1, Flamebait) 77

Im tired of seeing everything coming from Iran. The Houthis fire on our ships. Now its reported they have obtained hypersonic missiles. The same hypersonic missiles that Russia gave Iran in exchange for weapons and soldiers in their ongoing war in Ukraine. If Iran is trying to poison our waters its time to do the same. Drop nukes on all their oil fields so they cannot extract their oil for 30 years. Then tell them they are to round up all the Houthis theyve been supplying weapons to, and deliver their heads in hand woven wicker baskets. If we so much as see a 3ft drone in the air or under water anywhere in the red sea, we will nuke every aquifer for 500 miles. These primitive sister-raping inbreds only respond to strength. The only diplomacy they respect is after they are looking at a bloody stump that used to be their hand.

Comment Re:This is not so bad for the banks. (Score 1) 36

Youd better pack up every blood relative you give a shit about. This isnt the US. Retribution is still possible. Hell China is considered a firdt world country and they sure as fuck would stick your entire bloodline in a work camp. In a 3rd world African country your family could be chopped uo with a machete. Most people have friends and family to go after. By uour single-pointed view, Its sad you have neither.

Comment Re:Another commie idea (Score 1) 390

If you think the part where there is no loss of pay will be a thing; I have a bridge to sell you. Cutting hours back to 32 wont be the problem. Keeping the same pay without jacking up the cost of living on the other hand will. Just look what happened when obamacare mandated coverage for anyone working more than 32hrs. First, employers started cutting workloads to below 32 hours. Secondly they stopped paying a portion of thw premiums leaving the employee to subsidize their own crappy deductible plans. Now lets look at the covid work crisis. This is a clear example of wages increasing without raising minimum wage. Demand was higher than supply such that even entry level jobs now pay )12-$14 per hour. However, the market saw this as an opportunity yo jack up rent and dont get me started on food inflation. The bet result was despite the increase in wages, spending power actually went down due to even less disposable income. I dont need a crystal ball to predict yet another major jump in cost of living expenses. I am not against working less, but I dont want to be homeless because of it.

Comment Re:Cancer (Score 2) 207

It might not even have to be ultra processed. It could be the additives, preservatives, and hormones. In the 80s it was something like 1in50 or 1in25 people got cancer by a certain age. Now it is 1in4. Air quality was not so great in the 70s, this was before unleaded gas and catalytic converters. My money is on the chems in the food. Organic isnt much better in some cases. Go look at ‘organic’ sour cream. The ingredients list takes several lines. Now go look at the ingredient list of regular Daisy (not lowfat). It has 1 ingredient: cream. Since the 80s its been an onslaught of artificial flavors, red dye #40, high fructose corn syrup. It might not even be a single culprit. It could be a 1+1=6 situation where ingesting 2 or 3 ingredients regularly triggers cell mutations.

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