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Comment Accident??? (Score 1) 1343

Either the parents are grossly incompetent and stupid, or they're incompetent and stupid AND they're trying to mollify their guilty conscience by putting some of the blame on a video game accessory that they should never have owned to begin with.

Or the stepfather
1) Encouraged the kid to play with a toy in the shape of a realistic gun.
2) Left a loaded gun in the place where the kid was used to find said game controller.


Comment You're asking for it... (Score 1) 465

Yeah, I'm 24,900 miles away from my birthplace. Trying to figure that out in multiples of my height was giving me a headache though.

Ooh... Cannot resist temptation to bash medieval units.

But really, as a metric user, I didn't get that joke :p Calculating distance in multiples of my height is easy.

Heck, I didn't even know the distance to my birthplace. Still trivial to calculate form time it takes to get there and rough average speed while driving. Although I guess that part is easy in your system, too.

Comment Re:Son of WGA (Score 1) 819

And you see nothing inherently wrong with the concept that you have to call Microsoft and essentially beg them to reactivate a product you already bought and paid for? If your Windows 7 can be deactivated and essentially blacklisted on Microsoft's whim, what exactly did you purchase? Do you actually own a copy or are you just renting it? Phone reactivation may not be a long drawn-out process, but I still oppose it on principle. It's not my problem that Microsoft is supposedly losing money on piracy, so why should I be inconvenienced in the slightest by it?

I bought a new laptop for my mother. Started with a reinstall for a clean system.

First thing after setup:
"You copy of Windows might not be genuine."

I find this offensive. I paid for the software, stop bugging me.

Comment Gummy Bears (Score 1) 483

I though the idea was to estimate in units after complexity. Units can be gummy bears or whatnot, but not bound to time in any way.

The reason being that it is much easier to relate to complexity than factor in everything to get a correct time estimate. Complexity can also be agreed upon by different people, even though the time required for them to complete an equally complex task can be very different for different developers, depending on skill or amount of disturbances from programming time.

Estimate a task in complexity. Multiply with a factor to get the time estimate. The factor depends on the developer, complexity depends on the task. Keep them separate.

Comment Re:Wrong decision (Score 1) 198

That should read: "I just find it ridiculous to claim that the government isn't changing the market by measuring office suites by completely different metrics than the free market does."

And the alternative?

Assume a market in a near-monopoly situation. You seem to be arguing that the correct government action would be to assert the monopoly as "free market decision" and further cement the single company as the only alternative.

Instead of blaming groupthink, you should reconsider and re-analyze your line of argument here.

Comment Re:Manners (Score 1) 1142

(being a Dane we dont start with Sir or Ma'am)

So out of curiosity what is the polite form of address/etiquette when interacting with strangers for the first time in Denmark?

A casual "Excuse me" is sufficient.

Using "polite form of address" would just be plain weird. Not even telemarketing sales people use polite form today.

You seem to find this regrettable. Keep in mind that politeness/etiquette does not mean kindness or care for others. Nobody writes a more polite letter than a lawyer suing someone.

Comment Trust the pop-up! (Score 1) 243

The big issue I have with "Verified by VISA" is that they are teaching users to enter bank passwords into pop-up / embedded windows.

Trust the pop-up, it's got a VISA logo! So just enter that bank password of yours.

Is there ANY possible way you could better train users to fall for phishing attacks? If the users trust a pop-up, they will enter anything - PIN codes, Social Security numbers, numbers from keychain password generators... anything.

Comment If only there was some kind of rating system... (Score 1) 278

Screw talking about some hypothetical gadget - what we should really be discussing is the huge number of people who are being forced to read and comment on articles they don't want to read. Why isn't the government doing something about this?!!

And you are complaining about being forced to read his comment you didn't want to read?

I hereby make a formal complaint of being forced to read complaints about about being forced to read complaints about being forced to read stories.

If only someone could implement a web site where people could rate stories and comments so we were not forced to read all of them...

PS: I loved reading your comments. Both of them.

Comment Not related to Brain Virus at all. (Score 1) 478

There you go, if you're depressed, manic or schizophrenic, it could be one of your ancestors got a brain virus.

A "brain virus" would of course not be inheritable. To inherit anything, the virus would have to exist in your ancestors genitalia.

If it is linked to mental disorders, it means the virus swapped out parts of human DNA related to the brain. This is completely unrelated to it being a "brain virus" or not.

Comment Two parties, same system (Score 1) 549

Democrats are every bit as emotional and idiotic as Republicans.

Republicans remove social freedoms.
Democrats remove economic freedoms.

When one gets too bad, switch to the other. Rinse, repeat.

The fear of "throwing away your vote" has created a two-party system where both parties are pretty similar. Nothing will change until it gets a lot worse, bad enough for a third party to swing enough votes to really matter.

Comment Checks does not exist here. (Score 1) 796

I also live in a country where checks does not exist. At least I have never seen one. So the grandparent comment of "I guess it could be done, but it might take some creativity." is pretty much mindboggling.

Account number + amount, transfer money. Zero or low fees, depending on bank. Trust me, this is the future.

Comment Re:Well, at least the rest don't do this. (Score 1) 605

They still allow objects with more serious potential through. A laptop as a blunt force instrument? The potential energy stored in a laptop battery? The RF radiation created by handheld electronics?

Bah! When I travel by air, I usually bring half a gallon of highly flammable liquid and a set of glass knives.

Just like everyone else.

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