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Comment Re:Actual Detection of Impared Drivers (Score 1) 608

Have you driven around much lately? Most drivers are terrible. I rarely ever feel safe while driving around town; there are always idiots cutting people off without signalling, weaving through traffic, drifting into the wrong lanes during turns, failing to yield (or even looking when entering a roundabout), talking on the phone, and who knows what else. I think most people have forgotten the rules of the road, and that is far more dangerous than driving around high.

Comment Re:My Casio fx 82 still works (Score 1) 245

I have a Casio fx 7000 that I still use. It's almost 30 years old, and only on the third battery. In high school I used to write programs on it that turned the display into a drawing program. You could plot lines using the crosshair. I used to draw flight simulator displays on it and trick my friends into thinking I'd written a flight simulator on it.

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