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Comment Re:The Fix: Buy good Chocolate! (Score 4, Insightful) 323

Everyone who voted insightful REALLY needs to go to one of those companies and try good chocolate.
I don't each much chocolate so I only but the HQ stuff now. Milka, Mars or even Ritter - they suck compared to a good, higher coca content chocolate.
I get mine from a shop selling coffee because just a chocolate, average coffee tastes .... less then average.

You only live once. Stop stuffing low quality shit into your mouth!

Comment Re:What's that smell? (Score 3, Funny) 123

That smell comes from that dead penguin over there. It blew its head off after failing to become the desktop OS during the past 20 years. To top it of, more and more server admins have started moving to *BSD.
He just could not take it anymore - SystemDisconnected

Comment Re:You are completely correct (Score 1) 474

Not sure if it is day 1 but watch out for "The Witcher 3" DLCs. They are going to mock larger companies by giving you their DLCs for free, well if you purchase the game. No need to preorder, just buy it.

One of the VERY few companies left that actually care about the consumer. DRM free from Day 1 - get it at

Comment That's why it runs like shit on PC as well (Score 3, Interesting) 262

That must be the reason the game runs like utter crap on PC as well. Ohh wait, it is not!

TotalBiscuit - "Let's not play Assassins Creed: Unity yet "

They knew they had a shit game before the release.

Comment Double dipping assholes (Score 2) 48

Orban has planned consultations over the next year to look for other ways to tax revenue generated over the internet.

How come countries always double dip?
I already pay income tax on every cent I make. Any other taxes are double, triple, ... dipping on already taxed money.

I really hope I will see the day when we strangle politicians by their fucking neck ties.

Comment Ohhh nooo! (Score 1) 291

I always ask myself how I could possibly survive with only 1.2MB/s down (basic DSL). Then I turn my Internet TV on and notice that it works just fine.

Sure I can get fiber but why would I? I'd have to pay more for no benefit other then that I can download a 20-40GB game quicker.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 555

"new stuff requires new debugging methods on failure, avoid new stuff."

Not an issue with new stuff but I do have an issue with new features that makes things harder to use/debug.
I don't care about this on my laptop but I will switch to a server focused distro when I rebuild my cluster in a year.

This is why I really like Linux. Once you know Linux you can select a distribution based on features, not because it is hip.

Comment Eltern haften für Ihre Kinder (Score 1) 323

"Eltern haften für Ihre Kinder" => "Parents are liable for their Children"

Is a sign that is used around construction sites in Germany. I have seen it all my life but it basically is complete bullshit.
There are a LOT of cases where children may damage the property of others but the parents will not have to pay.
I don't know who makes these retarded laws.

* 2014 and Slashdot has problems with Umlauts - why do I still come here? .... keep focusing on your fucking Beta UI!

Comment Just can't win... (Score 2) 367

Use a drone -> Told you! They produce equipment for the military or CIA.

Use a plane -> You know how many birds die to props each year? Murderers!

Use a jeep -> Ohh gawd the environment!

User solar powered vehicle -> WTF? You never get the energy back!

Use a camel that is probably better cared for then dogs in PETA kennels -> Think of the animals!!!

You just can't win.

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