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Comment Re:The Path To Faster-Than-Light Travel (Score 4, Insightful) 255

Anti-matter still has a positive mass. Otherwise when a positron meets an electron it wouldn't release any energy. Personally, I highly doubt it "falls up", as that would be inconsistent with general relativity because anti-particles would not follow a curved space. What would be really cool is if it was found that anti-matter curved space in the opposite direction as matter, making gravity repulsive. I highly doubt that's the case, but it would certainly be a cool discovery.

Comment Re:I have the feeling that nobody here... (Score 1) 97

KDevelop 3 was indeed pretty nice and I used it for a while. But then -- like too many OSS projects these days -- developers decided it'd be much better if they rewrote it. The result is that version 3 stagnated for a long time and when KDevelop 4 was finally ready, it ditched support for many features, including autoconf/automake which I used for all my projects. That's when I switched to Eclipse/CDT and I've been happy with it since then.

Comment Re:Ignorance (Score 1) 461

My biggest issue with GMOs aren't related to health issues, but economic issues. The use of GMOs tends to not only reduce crop diversity, but it also leads to more resistant parasites, which also help wipe out the "original" crops. So we end up in a situation where we have low diversity and strong parasites and it's a recipe for disaster. It's just a matter of time until global production of a certain plant gets almost completely wiped out, with disastrous consequences. Unfortunately preventing that requires much more than just labeling (though I'm still in favor of it) because it's not just a matter of individual choice. It's a global issue, like many environmental concerns.

Comment Re:One word: YES. (Score 1) 749

Modern codecs are better at 256 kb/s than MP3 is at 320 kb/s. Also, at those rates, it depends a lot on the actual encoder. The newer formats (be it Opus, Vorbis or AAC) all have the potential of giving you perfect quality at 256 kb/s VBR. In the (very) few cases where you can hear an artefact, it's due to the encoder making the wrong decision (e.g. not detecting a transient).

Comment Re:My Torture Test (Score 1) 749

And try Musepack or Layer2 on something extremely tonal like harpsichord or (to a lesser extent) 12-string acoustic guitar. Each type of codecs has upsides and downsides. Overall though a freq-domain codec *with* a good encoder should be better because it still has the option of going with a good time resolution (Layer2 can't ever use a good freq resolution).

Comment Re:RMS is right (Score 2) 529

I think overall for-profit companies have made a huge contribution to the Free Software community. While Canonical has probably contributed less than many others, I still still their total contribution as positive. Of course I still disagree when their new Ubuntu spyware and even before that I had already decided to stop using it for unrelated reasons (Unity and other interface-related decisions). In any community, there will be individuals and companies that do the wrong thing and I don't see anything special about for-profit. The best example of non-profit org messing up badly that comes to mind (there's probably many more) is XFree86. That was quickly worked around.

Comment People don't use it? (Score 1) 943

Many have commented that "people don't use $1 coins", but it's not like most people actually choose one over the other. In practice, you withdraw money as $20 bills or something like that. You only get $1 coins/bills as change when you buy something. So in practice, it's the stores and/or the banks that decide, not individual people.

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