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Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

Why are you calling me creepy just because I want to try a device? I see a lot of potential on the evolution of this technology, specially for AR. You are assuming I am out to get someone. And that's why this is a problem. It's not just a head-mounted camera. Hidden cameras have existed for a long time, look at the press getting inside footage on things. This is not even hidden.

Want me to take it out? Ask me. Want me to not record 101% sure? make me wear a plastic cap on it, or a bandaid or something. I am not going to be the one denying that request. In my line of work that device can be really useful even if it just shows you a few timers (and eye protection is a plus).

Note that I don't specifically mention wearing it while talking to someone, it'd be like not taking off my headphones, therefore kind of rude.
Don't assume so much, that's precisely why I wrote the post in the first place.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363


It might be hyperbole, but they sure are convinced of it. Look at the rest of the comments and tell me every single one of those visceral reactions is a joke and nobody will ever be assaulted wrongly just for having the device on. You know someone will take it seriously enough for it, even if it's just a handful of bad apples.

And of course strawman, the device is not even out, every argument about it is a strawman based on an scenario where someone is out to record them (and scenario that hasn't happened yet because it's not out). What do you call that if not paranoia?

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

Then politely request them to cover the lens with something or take it off, chances are they won't object to it if you do and you aren't being rude about it.

I see Glass as something to use while I am casually working or such, so I don't need to get my phone dirty with flour or sugar (that stuff gets inside everything!). I have the common idea of courtesy, taking that off when speaking to someone directly, that'd be exactly like wearing headphones while doing the same. You put them away around your neck or take them off. You can ask people to put it away and I am sure it'll be like asking them to keep their phones away. If they refuse too stubbornly then you might start getting suspicious with a reason.

My main reason to support this is that the technology is interesting, and could evolve into something actually very useful when displays improve. That's why this whole paranoia thing is bad, it gets in the way of what could be really fun technology.

I know Google are a bunch of crooks, that's obvious by just coming here, but the control people assumes they have on this specific device is almost giving it magical properties that we should know aren't either possible or viable, or are just too cumbersome, expensive or elaborate to be all possible in a single device that amounts to an Android phone with a different form format. If they can't do it with your Android phone, they can't do it with Glass.

As for your example, that's apples to oranges. In your example all the data is being explicitly stored and delivered by Google themselves, in this case you have to purposely upload your data for them to have it. As for Google uploading it against the user's wishes, I am sure such a thing will be found out (and blocked via apps or root tweaks) real soon when the device is in the hand of developers or power users.

As for possible peeping toms, I already said how you can deal with them, just ask, and they will likely comply, if they don't, get suspect. I personally wouldn't even need to be asked.

And this has been the most polite post so far. Thanks for showing there's some sanity left in this topic.

Comment Re:Fucking idiot (Score 1) 363

Why the hell would you do that? That doesn't sound like a standard use case at all. Do you like 24 hours of nothing? Are you going to spend the time organizing all the photos of your day? Are you out of your mind? Who'd have the time to do that?

All I see is ACs being insulting, this has no semblance of rational thought or discussion anymore. Fine, live with your paranoia if you wish. Good luck keeping your sanity. Although, it seems you have lost that battle already.

I don't specifically defend Glass, I just want to see that technology evolve, and it sure won't with irrational tough guys that believe that punching someone in the face is a valid solution for anything (without thinking of the repercussions for themselves, no less). You are the ones being tough guys with the "punch all glassholes" mantra. That'll only get you sued.

Demand they put a cap on it or something, for crying out loud. Problem solved, no violence required, no litigious consequences for YOU. See how easy it is?

And, dunno, the moment you post AC, your toughness decreases by a lot. Only one named individual bothered to respond and had a more valid example than you lot.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

The comments here have made me realize what the problem is here: Slashdot has started to believe in magic. Magical internet connections able to stream video 24/7 at no expense, and more.

Stop believing everyone wants to get you before you get sued for assaulting or stealing from someone, that's my advice.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

The device has 12gb of storage. Syncing is optional, as with all android devices. (Not to mention expensive because 3g/4g aren't usually flatrates, and have tight limits on upload speed and/or bandwidth quota, and phone-recorded video is enough to hit the caps with a few minutes of it, after which you are either fined per mb consumed, or throttled to the point of being unusable).
Again, be REALISTIC. And get your facts straight if you want to argue and not sound even more paranoid.

Also. What are you implying? Why should I be filming your or anyone's kids? Man, I am not a pedophile because I want to try a glass for AR. I can't take you seriously after that, I am sorry. That's something one doesn't joke about.
Not to mention, law can and will scan the device for evidence. They won't find it, because I DON'T GO AROUND RECORDING PEOPLE. Read the original post for crying out loud.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

Again, why should I be interested in recording YOU? Why? What do you do that requires my attention, or Google's? All they will know is that you were at some place at some time at best, which they probably know already from your phone. They will just have some machines identify faces at best, they won't be able to know you were reading a certain newspaper to send you ads for it. Software can't make such realizations, and they surely won't have a legion of observers looking at live footage 24/7 to tag it. Be REALISTIC.
You people have some unrealistic expectations for this device. Which is hilarious coming from people that should know about better the state-of-the-art. I'd expect this from some redneck who thinks computers are magical screens powered by little devils in a box, but from a slashdot user? Give me a break.

And yes, have your self-censoring pin ready, I won't even notice it because I don't care about who you are or what you do, because I don't even know you!

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

They are not made to invade YOUR space. Unless you are famous, and then your face is already everywhere. You sound like some diva who doesn't want paparazzi around. You aren't, Anonymous Coward. You aren't. Learn humility and then you can discuss things with the adults.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 4, Insightful) 363

And you are a first class idiot for not seeing that's what people says the problem is. Read the comments, including yours.

Also, you do nothing but confirm my post. Paranoia, violence and insulting to top it all.
First, you smartass, when you try to assault someone, they won't quietly wait for their turn, you are likely to get punched too. Second, you ARE going to get sued for assault and/or destruction of someone's property. Evidence of you being recorded will not be found, and you will have to pay good money or even prison time for it. That should teach you a lesson for next time.

Also how is AR or taking pictures of large cakes being "a creepy fuck", did you even read the post? Or you will repeat that argument no matter what I say? You sir, are a creepy idiot I wouldn't like nearby. Prone to violence and paranoid? Hell no, go away.

God damn it's like if you people didn't live in this world.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 363

Yeah, but I can still sue you for it, and I'll probably win as the device WILL be scanned for evidence of me recording you, and when they don't find it, you'll have to pay me a lot of cash in damages.

Starting to see how things work?

Comment Paranoia (Score 5, Insightful) 363

Why is it that makes people think Glass is nothing but a surveillance device SPECIFICALLY conceived to record them and absolutely nothing else?

Get real, people. It's impossible for that device to be recording 24/7. It's unrealistic to think it's going to automagically upload the video to Google for analysis. Just apply some common sense. If no other device can, so can't Glass.

I like the idea of the device for AR experiments, information delivery and yes, taking the occasional picture of something that would take longer to prepare and set a camera, such as birds (that will fly away the moment you prepare your camera or phone) and finished elaborate pastries which I am very proud of. I have no intention or interest on recording people doing mundane boring daily crap that I have no business recording.

Anyway, this shows a very ugly collective paranoia that should stop before somebody gets hurt for no reason. Yes, I specifically say hurt because that's the common thing: "If I see some glasshole pointing that thing at me I'll DESTROY THEM". And, no, guys, you AREN'T that interesting to warrant recording you. Unless you are some form of celebrity, which I doubt.

Nerd bravado at its best. Seriously. Mod me troll if you wish, I don't care, but someone has to say this.

Comment Re:Why aren't (more) governments being overthrown? (Score 1) 320

Perhaps they are the only ones getting a good night's sleep. They can continue to do crimes of various scales without any form of punishment. If their job had a bit of hardship they wouldn't treat the countries they are in charge of as a free buffet.
Like that British censor who was a pedophile just a few weeks ago. He sure thought of the children. Why isn't he lynched yet?

We can't let pedos, thieves and scum rule a country. We can't let them exploit all of us for our money and freedom without a bit of sacrifice from them. I would be really happy if we could watch the Big Brother back. Because we'll probably find out they are corrupted, criminal or even a danger for our children, and with that proof, we can act accordingly.

We can't make such an important position be pursued by crooks who will abuse it. That's all there is. If there was a big sacrifice to make in return, I'd bet they'll sort themselves out. Giving them luxury, power and immunity only serves to attract the lesser people among us.

I speak from a country being destroyed by corruption in a large scale. We can't fight them without having our skull broken, our assets frozen and our ass in jail. Therefore, I can only wish them that they have to suffer like every other human. At this point I don't believe they are "human" as we understand the word. They are humans, but their mind is just entirely alien thanks to money, power and immunity. They don't even know basic stuff like the price of food or housing because they have all their basic and non-basic needs covered by default.
Not to mention they are borderline illiterate and can't even speak English, which is demanded for every other worker out there in my country.

Instead, we are rewarding them and respecting them, giving them money and goods, not charging them when they purchase something at a store, not wanting to kill them when they molest a children or rape a woman or beat their wife. Of course they aren't human anymore. Humanity requires a bit of effort and empathy. They are the closest to monsters that exist in real life.

Spy on them. Don't let a single crime slip. Tax them harder. Make them exemplary citizens before they are able to touch anything of importance. If they enjoy more privileges than the rest, have them work for it.

All they did was winning a popularity contest. Not the inspiring image of a hard worker deserving
respect, quite the contrary in fact.
They are the ones working for us. It's about time they start to do it.

Comment Re:Let Flash die (Score 1) 166

Yeah, let HTML5 move forward.
My internet connection has moved from 7kb/s to 1000kb/s, and sites still load as slowly as in the 90s.This is obviously the way to go. And that's with ads blocked via HOSTS and google's javascript libraries blocked when possible.

How about teaching several webdevs how to optimize code instead of copypasting it from stack overflow? When a regular site is as heavy as a flash site of the 00s, several people are doing it wrong.

It's funny. I can download videos and shows faster, my online ping in games is lower, but loading random websites? As slow as it always was.

Comment Re:This is indeed a service problem (Score 1) 199

Oh, I just don't get it if I am prevented from purchasing it at all. It's not like I need a certain game or song to go. In that case I boycott the product, and yes, that includes not playing it.

There's no bigger form of protesting against an artistic creation than paying it no attention whatsoever.

Comment Re:This is indeed a service problem (Score 1) 199

iTunes doesn't carry certain songs into Europe, so even if they are under one Euro a pop, we just can't get it through there.
I am not sure about Netflix but when I checked it back in the day it was as region locked as Hulu, is that still the case?

Likewise certain mobile apps are also region-locked, even when they are free.
The whole region lock is a very complex issue, not to mention certain governments tax multimedia content on customs even if it's just a $2 comic book, to discourage importing physical content.
It's not as easy as just paying for it, at least for us. If it was just paying for it, it wouldn't be a big issue. I have absolutely no reservations about paying for what I want, and most of the stuff I like is actually rather cheap.

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