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Comment Netflix disables Chrome developer console (Score 1) 240

If everyone has a debugger, the site operator can't block people who want to tinker, learn, and make a site more usable without blocking everyone.

You're kidding? Sites actually do that!?

See Netflix disables use of the Chrome developer console.


Ostensibly, protecting inexperienced users from the social engineering exploit known as "self-XSS". Self-XSS occurs when an attacker convinces an inexperienced to paste malicious code into the developer console. This is why Facebook also disables the developer console (though Facebook reportedly provides an opt-out). But the real reason is probably three words: digital restrictions management. It's similar to how Google Play Movies refused to play on rooted devices prior to mid-2012, and other apps have needed things like "RootCloak".

Comment sudo apt-get install chromium-browser (Score 4, Interesting) 240

Chromium (which IS open source) apparently has build issues and isn't even in the normal Fedora repos.

Fedora's fault. In Xubuntu, a Debian derivative, all I have to do is sudo apt-get install chromium-browser.

And the memory footprint of all browsers is crazy now.

Is this the fault of the browser or of the sites you visit? Back when sites weren't as image- and script-heavy, like Better MF Website, a graphical browser could actually fit on a 16 MB machine. Nowadays sites are covered with carousels full of high-DPI photos, plus developers think they still need jQuery and all its bloat just to get the site out the door faster.

I also don't appreciate them throwing unnecessary crap into the browser like the web developer stuff

Browser developers distribute the debugger with all copies of the browser to keep sites from intentionally detecting a debugger's presence and stopping working if one is found. If everyone has a debugger, the site operator can't block people who want to tinker, learn, and make a site more usable without blocking everyone.

Comment Apple chooses not to port Safari (Score 1) 240

I use chrome because I also own a chromebook and I can't run safari on that. Basically, google is doing the same thing microsoft did to make IE dominant by not allowing other browsers on their platform.

Apple is free to port Safari to Windows or X11/Linux, but it chooses not to. It used to port Safari to Windows but no longer does.

Comment Integrity (Score 1) 240

There is lots of valid use for http, including developing something real quick without bothering to get/create an ssl cert for your internal box

The forthcoming Let's Encrypt project will allow "get[ting]/creat[ing] an ssl cert" without any "bothering" beyond an install command.

Things where you just transfer bulk data that is of little value.

Is it really of so little value that you care not a whit whether the data you received is identical to the data that was sent? If so, extract an identical number of bytes from /dev/zero. If not, then you need to at least use signing, and HTTPS does this for you.

Comment Re:Mozilla's made mistakes, but people exaggerate (Score 1) 240

And before you get on me about Chrome not being proprietary I wouldn't consider any program which includes non-free bits free software.

If you're a purist, which PC do you use that has a free BIOS and CPU microcode? Besides, there are other distributions of Chromium Browser without the proprietary parts.

Comment Modern IE is fine. Old IE can be blocked. (Score 1) 240

yes, i know, about Explorer, the point is that competition does exists now.

Competition also slowly convinced Microsoft to at least try to keep up with the HTML living standard rather than stagnating. Users of Windows 7 are eligible for Internet Explorer 11, which supports new web platform features reasonably well according to Right now the biggest headache is Internet Explorer pre-10, such as the IE 8 used by Windows XP diehards.

But it might be financially sound to just ignore the market of users of IE on Windows XP. Here's my reasoning: Operating system holes render browser security meaningless. If Windows XP is no longer supported, Microsoft is no longer patching known vulnerabilities that allow a miscreant to install a keylogger or other backdoor. And if a machine has such malware, any payment credentials or other private information sent to or from that machine isn't secret. A criminal could compromise Windows XP on a customer's PC, copy the credit card number that a user keys in, and then make fraudulent charges to that account. If you don't let users of known insecure browsers make a purchase, you won't have to worry as much about chargebacks.

Comment Thinking in kiloseconds is still hard (Score 1) 299

But how would that fix the units in customers' heads? "If I turn on ten 100 watt appliances, I'm using a kilowatt. Easy so far. And if I leave them on for an hour, I'm billed for one kilowatt hour." Until you get customers to think about their energy use using kiloseconds instead of hours and megaseconds instead of weeks, you're not going to be able to avoid anthropic units entirely.

Comment PHP: The Good Parts (Score 2) 180

PHP, and that means your security is dead right there

In theory, it should be possible to adopt good coding practices that leave out all the bad parts of PHP, in much the same way that Douglas Crockford recommends for JavaScript in his book JavaScript: The Good Parts. If you think the PHP interpreter inherently has poor security despite good coding practices, have you tried notifying the operators of Wikipedia?

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