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Submission + - Firefox Add-Ons Are A New Vector For Crackers

wiredog writes: From The Washington Post's Security Fix blog, an entry on the ways in which Firefox add-ons, especially ones such as Google Toolbar, can be used to crack the security of a system.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Next Windows to Be Redesigned for Multicore CPUs

eldavojohn writes: "A Microsoft executive announced that the next Windows will be fundamentally redesigned to handle the numerous cores of present and future processors. The article notes that with Vista, the 20 year old GDI/GDI+ model was completely rewritten. Has Microsoft finally learned not to persist limitations and bad features of operating systems through generations? It will be interesting to see how Microsoft tackles the race conditions and deadlocks that come with pervasively multi threaded software and in the past complicated attempts to utilize multiple CPUs (like BeOS). Do you think it's it a smart move to further complicate an operating system to take advantage of these cores or should Microsoft concentrate on utilizing a single core for Windows while the applications take advantage of (possibly) more resources?"

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