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Comment The question here... (Score 1) 83 this (lowering the bar) really the goal, ie lowering the bar or actually getting rid of software patents? To me, 'lowering the bar' says that software patents are valid, because we have 'agreement' as to what constitutes a line in the sand for good/bad patents. Somethings rotten in Denmark (& elsewhere). I think lowering the bar IS what M$ is really after.

Submission + - how intellectual property (IP) stifles innovation

freeasinrealale writes: This paper provides empirical evidence on how intellectual property (IP) on a given technology affects subsequent innovation. To shed light on this question, I analyze the sequencing of the human genome by the public Human Genome Project and the private firm Celera, and estimate the impact of Celera's gene-level IP on subsequent scientific research and product development outcomes. Celera's IP applied to genes sequenced first by Celera, and was removed when the public effort re-sequenced those genes. I test whether genes that ever had Celera's IP differ in subsequent innovation, as of 2009, from genes sequenced by the public effort over the same time period, a comparison group that appears balanced on ex ante gene-level observables. A complementary panel analysis traces the effects of removal of Celera's IP on within-gene flow measures of subsequent innovation. Both analyses suggest Celera's IP led to reductions in subsequent scientific research and product development outcomes on the order of 30 percent. Celera's short-term IP thus appears to have had persistent negative effects on subsequent innovation relative to a counterfactual of Celera genes having always been in the public domain.

Comment Re:Ballmer! Ballmer! Ballmer! (Score 1) 775

I seem to remember Borland Pascal as being the first truly 'Integrated' development environment that took the PC world by storm ($99.99 as I recall). Way better than anything MS had at the time. MS Fortran anyone? MS had C, Basic, Assembler as environments. and let me not forget MS pascal. Set the standard for IDE's? Me thinkest not.

Comment Minority Government? (Score 1) 286

I noticed that in the Telegraph (U.K.) that this article (beaver dam) is number one in popularity amongst readers, ahead of three articles on tomorrows U.K. election. In Canada, we have a minority government, which many, including me, prefer over a majority government. Does this presage a minority government? Or... is this pure B.S.?

Porsche Unveils 911 Hybrid With Flywheel Booster 197

MikeChino writes "Porsche has just unveiled its 911 GT3 R Hybrid, a 480 horsepower track vehicle ready to rock the 24-hour Nurburgring race this May. Porsche's latest supercar will use the same 911 production platform available to consumers today, with a few race-ready features including front-wheel hybrid drive and an innovative flywheel system that stores kinetic energy from braking and then uses it to provide a 160 horsepower burst of speed. The setup is sure to offer an advantage when powering out of turns and passing by other racers."

IDEs With VIM Text Editing Capability? 193

An anonymous reader writes "I am currently looking to move from text editing with vim to a full fledged IDE with gdb integration, integrated command line, etc. Extending VIM with these capabilities is a mortal sin, so I am looking for a linux based GUI IDE. I do not want to give up the efficient text editing capabilities of VIM though. How do I have my cake and eat it too?"

Lack of Manpower May Kill VLC For Mac 398

plasmacutter writes "The Video Lan dev team has recently come forward with a notice that the number of active developers for the project's MacOS X releases has dropped to zero, prompting a halt in the release schedule. There is now a disturbing possibility that support for Mac will be dropped as of 1.1.0. As the most versatile and user-friendly solution for bridging the video compatibility gap between OS X and windows, this will be a terrible loss for the Mac community. There is still hope, however, if the right volunteers come forward."

Comment Gay Pride Day Parade (Score 1) 1359

Right (sic) now I'm watching Toronto's gay pride parade on TV. This is a city sanctioned parade. Currently seeing the city police and OPP (provincial police) floats and participants going by. This is our 29th annual Pride parade. Although I didn't make it this year, I have ( as a staight person ) enjoyed the joie de vivre of this parade and will definitely attend again. I think this parade exemplifies life in southern Ontario. I love it here. Check us out.

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