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Comment Re:Maybe Apple just has the better position? (Score 4, Insightful) 250

Having been involved in a lawsuit with a city before I can say it's not "lying" about precedents but rather how you can spin precedents to suit your arguments.

The DOJ will pull every case they can and try to say it applies for X reason. Then Apple will try to argue it doesn't apply for X reason and potentially these other cases are more relevant for X reason. The DOJ will respond, then Apple will respond, then they go to court and the judge acts like an irate asshole to both sides as they present their arguments. Then the judge will deliberate over which precedents actually apply to the case and typically say who is right based on some random court case that happened 20 years ago and has little to do with the current situation.

The legal system is a bit of a joke in my opinion. You don't get penalized for bullshit. The system actually encourages you to throw as much shit at the wall just to see what sticks.

Comment Re:Well, I'm shocked ... (Score 1) 65

The weird part is I actually like Twitter. I find it much more useful and much less invasive than Facebook which has turned into a massive echo chamber for middle aged mothers that love Buzz Feed articles. There should be a viable business model there so I don't understand why they are floundering so hard.

Comment Re:Not my money, yet (Score 1) 467

It was not well written or even remotely subtle. In fact, I think it's the worst written Star Wars movie ever made. The entire plot relies on a massive string of convenient events. It's like they made up a bunch of action sequences, strapped it all together and started filming. The fact that it's a near retread of A New Hope makes it all the worse.

Time will not be kind to this movie. There's too many problems with it... too many things that don't make sense even for a Star Wars movie. I'd actually welcome another round of prequels over this.

Comment Re: Get some perspective. (Score 1) 352

You're essentially arguing that amateur work is professional because it serves a professional purpose. I can get my brother's nephew's cousin who took a design class once to make me a flyer but that doesn't make it professional. Even if I use it to market my business, that in itself doesn't make it professional. Professional work is done by a pro, not by someone who downloaded a program, dropped in some clip art and spent 10 minutes trying to decide between Papyrus or Comic Sans for the text.

All the examples you've given can be done in MS Word, just like html pages can be built in word. That doesn't mean Word is good enough for 99% of actual professional design work, much like GIMP isn't either.

Comment Re:Sadly.. (Score 1) 352

You're part of the problem then. CMYK is absolutely essential and having an image editing program that doesn't support CMYK is like having a database without data types. There is no opposition to this. All image editing software should support RGB and CMYK at a minimum.

Likewise, having a UI that is at least as functional as Photoshop's would be a huge step forward. Professional designers spend a lot of time using image editing software and having a hacked together UI like GIMP's makes the program completely irrelevant.

There absolutely is a way to listen to users. Start with the professional designers who use this type of software daily and work your way down through the different groups of people that have distinct uses for image editing software. Create UI groups and tools that cater to each segment.

As it is, I don't feel GIMP would be appealing to anyone. It's too complicated for the novice, the UI is too clunk for the pro and it lacks essential features like CMYK which means it's not even a consideration for most creative workflows. The only segment of people GIMP seems to appeal to or is targeted at is open source zealots that have their head in the sand.

Comment Re:Coalescing gas clouds? (Score 4, Informative) 339

That's one of the most confusing parts though; the dips in light are not regular. From the article:

"It turns out there are lots of these dips in the star’s light. Hundreds. And they don’t seem to be periodic at all. They have odd shapes to them, too. A planet blocking a star’s light will have a generally symmetric dip; the light fades a little, remains steady at that level, then goes back up later. The dip at 800 days in the KIC 8462852 data doesn’t do that; it drops slowly, then rises more rapidly. Another one at 1,500 days has a series of blips up and down inside the main dips. There’s also an apparent change in brightness that seems to go up and down roughly every 20 days for weeks, then disappears completely. It’s likely just random transits, but still. It’s bizarre."

Comment NAFTA is a disaster (Score 5, Informative) 278

Canada has been completely screwed over by NAFTA. If we try to enact any kind of environmental protection, a US company sues Canada for millions. It creates a situation where if Canada wants to reduce the amount of water, lumber or other natural resources exported, or more tightly control the extraction of those resources, US companies can succesfully sue Canada for increased costs or lost profit.

NAFTA's Chapter 11 Makes Canada Most-Sued Country Under Free Trade Tribunals

It's great that poor countries can see increased growth from this, but the reality is large trade agreements often make a few people companies/people richer while reducing a country's sovreignty and the quality of life of the average joe.

Comment Re:Angle of competition you are all missing - Waco (Score 1) 279

That article is pretty much bullshit. It's written by somoene that worked for Apple for starters and most of the conclusions it draws are wrong. I have a Cintiq Companion so let me provide some counter points:

  • - Cintiq Companions require no chords. You have a AC adapter to charge the 4+ hour battery and that's it. For desktop displays like the 24HD, you have a power chord and a display connector. I'm not sure why 1 or 2 chords is such a nightmare to handle for the author. You can hookup the second gen companion to your desktop and use it as a drwaing tablet only, but this is a hudge benefit and something the iPad Pro also lacks.
  • - Latency is not an issue on my Cintiq Companion and is largely determined by computer hardware and software in my experience.
  • - I like the thicker design of the Wacom stylus; it doesn't feel cheap or wobbly. I also like the buttons which are extremely useful to people that work with a stylus every day. There's also an eraser on the reverse side, something Apple's design team failed to figure out. Never having to charge it is also a plus.
  • - Cintiq's are heavy but that's because they are well built laptops, not gimmicky tablets. I rountinely take my Cintiq Companion on trips. There are issues with the location of the power button on the first generation companion, but the author hasn't used a Cintiq long enough to know that.
  • - There is nothing wrong with the Cintiq Companion's display (minus the air gap, see following point). Older Cintiq displays suffered from poor colours but that is hasn't been the case for a few years now.
  • - The only issue she is correct on is the parallax air gap problems with Cintiq monitors. I do wish they would improve this.

My take away from this: Don't get rid of your Wacom just yet. iPad Pro is not a professional tool and doesn't stand up well to a similarly priced Surface Pro or the more expensive and industry leading Wacom line of products.

Comment Re:So you've seen nothing? (Score 1) 279

Latency of a stylus is determined by a lot of factors; usually the software, the size of the file being worked on and the computer hardware. The iPad Pro's demo was likely done on a light drawing application with an extremely small image. I have a Cintiq Companion and I can work on a poster size image at 300dpi without latency.

So saying Apple Pencil looks to have much better latency is really disengenous. It's like saying a Logitech mouse has much better latency than an Apple Mouse.

Comment Re:Of course it bombed (Score 3, Insightful) 205

But that's where you're wrong. Edge of Tomorrow is fantastic and if you don't like Tom Cruise you get to watch a cowardly version of him be shot, burned, sliced, crushed, ran over and die in more ways than I can remember for the first 2/3rds of the film. The problem with Edge of Tomorrow was the marketing. They never really got across what kind of movie it was or why it was worth watching. They also should have kept the original name (All You Need Is Kill). The exo skeletons may have also been a hard sell as they just appear cubersome and awkward.

Comment The PC has no trouble getting great games (Score 1) 86

The PC doesn't need AAA games, it's doing plenty fine with kickstarter and indie games completely dominating the platform. Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns, RimWorld, Minecraft, Broken Age, Prison Architect, Cities: Skylines, Satellite Reign, Hyper Light Drifter, Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous... the list goes on and on.

Steam machines don't need to take over either, they're just an alternative to the ever growing platform of choice for gaming. Steam hit 9+ million concurrent users this month and there's no sign of it slowing. If I was Sony, Microsoft and especially Nintendo, I'd be really worried about this. The hardware is becoming irrelevant. What matters is the games and the platform you provide for gaming.

Comment Hopefully this will be Harper's death knell (Score 4, Interesting) 116

It's amazing how one man can so completely destroy a country, both politically and culturally in under a decade. The CRA (the Canadian version of the IRS) is currently doing audits of non-profit organizations and revoking the non-profit status of organizations that have political ideologies that go against the Conservative agenda.

Dying with Dignity loses charitable status after political activity probe
7 Environmental Charities Face Canada Revenue Agency Audits

I can't wait for the next election and I sincerely hope the PC's are so savagaley beaten at the polls that they'll be laughed out of town on the oil wagon they rolled in on.

Comment Re:No. (Score 2) 135

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is one situation where Betteridge's law might actually faulter. Game review scores have been broken for sometime and removing them entirely might be a step in the right direction.

Comment Game reviews have always been broken (Score 4, Interesting) 135

Almost no games get below 40, while any game that doesn't get 80 or more is considerd a failure. Then you have people giving games 3 out of 5 stars which translates to a score of 60, which skews things even more. Plus tent pole games like CoD can be executed extremely well but offer nothing new so how do you review that? There are games with low interaction (point and click) or high interaction (RTS). How do you compare one against the other? Good reviews are also often given despite massive bugs, incomplete games being released or week 1 launch disasters (like Diablo III).

It's issues like that which make me understand the no score review trend.

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