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Comment Re:Broken? More like fixed. (Score 1) 773

Well, they couldn't be "abhorrent to the nation as a whole" is there are localities that want to instate such policies. :) But if there is sufficient impetus on the part of the majority of the citizenry to suppress the minority that does wish to bring about policies that the majority find distasteful then I suppose that we would pass an amendment to the Constitution to enact a universal prohibition against such policies.

And by rephrasing the question, you actually changed the question. Slavery is already specifically prohibited by the 13th amendment to the Constitution, so the original mention of slavery was a straw man.

Comment Re:Features Android tablets need (Score 1) 168

A-fucking-men. I'm really over the idea that my operating systems have to include some representative of every application family ever imagined. I just want the leanest, most feature rich, and most developer friendly operating system that they can produce, and let the developer community have a field day blowing our minds.

Comment Re:anyone vs everyone (Score 1) 220

That's why I keep the 'anyone' material in an offline format, typically not even on paper. Not 100% effective, as was hammered home one Monday that I decided to take as a personal day and wander through Sears while countless busybody housewives babbled incessantly to one another about shit that they regarded as scandalous all around me. I now know more about the sex lives of random strangers than I do my own. But keeping it offline is still an improvement over posting the material to the world's first global communication network. That is strictly reserved for the 'everyone' stuff.

Comment Re:Here's the world's smallest violin... (Score 1) 249


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I haven't seen any complaining, only a sarcastic comment regarding inappropriate usage of available skillset. This, of course, follows your post that used nonexistent quotes to insinuate that he said something that he clearly didn't, which you went on to validate using the time-tested formula of psychically knowing what the other person was really thinking even though they didn't say it.

I don't know if you are building a body of work to submit to Fox News as a portfolio or if you are just fucking retarded, but in either case you'll do yourself a world of good in preventing future back problems by getting that retarded chip off of your shoulder.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter (Score 1) 513

Fair enough, but did you notify someone after the 120 day point? That way they could fix whatever problem it was that falsely indicated that you were committing a crime, thus ensuring that the system only catches those who are putting other people at excessive risk by violating traffic laws.

I'm guessing the truth is much closer to a situation where you were actually speeding, got caught by the camera, and are now trying to claim the moral high ground. Not an accusation, just a supposition.

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