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Comment Re:GOOD (Score 1) 240

I should get to chose which records are kept about my health.

Agreed. I don't understand what is so difficult about giving the patient their own electronic healthcare records and letting them be responsible for providing that information to healthcare providers.

Why does a patient need their medical records in a form that can be be instantly transmitted on a global computer network? Also, I would think that you shouldn't need a detailed medical history to treat most acute things, chronic illnesses excluded. Does knowing that I had my adenoids removed as a child, or that I was treated for an STD in college really help you set my broken arm?

Comment Re:Best to pretend you don't have the PhD... (Score 1) 479

But that is exactly the problem with a PhD. There aren't that many "research scientist" jobs out there (especially in a crappy economy) and companies are hesitant to hire someone with an advanced degree to perform work that is below their skill level.

I would expect a PhD level person to be running their own company and providing consulting services. If they are interviewing for a job in QA or application support I just wonder how exactly they got here.

Comment Exploit depends on not validating input? (Score 2) 399

Someone correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't this exploit depend on programs not validating input?

The example given in the post to oss-security mentions HTTP request headers containing malicious data being passed into CGI programs which then call out to Bash. Wouldn't taint-checking input eliminate that attack vector?

Comment Re: Escapism (Score 1) 292

I'll get there eventually, but for now I'm content to play it how I like, level up my character, collect stuff, and see more and more of the world they've built.

I too had a ton of fun exploring the map and not just advancing the story. The problem you will run into is that the game basically breaks once you reach a high enough level.

The longer I played the game the more I noticed things that became completely pointless, like making food. Once you can enchant top-level gear, there's no reason to open chests. You will start noticing all of the dungeons look the same and there's really no variety to the mobs you encounter, especially those roaming the countryside. Once your level tops out, there's no way to learn new skills and no way to re-spec your character.

I played through the Mage's questline and maxed my character's level. As soon as that happened I realized that the mechanics just weren't good enough to keep me playing until I finished all of the content.

Comment Re:Magic (Score 1) 370

The parent did this to themselves. You use cvsup to track code changes when you're building a system from source. It is not used to perform upgrades of installed ports; that's what portupgrade is for.

It sounds like he was doing an in-place build and nuked his drive. If you care about your data you shouldn't take the risk of attempting this.

Comment Re:Unfamiliar (Score 1) 370

Don't forget the excellent portability of ZFS filesystems!

With ZFS you can move a drive between FreeBSD, Linux and MacOS systems. AFAIK the only other filesystem you can do this with is FAT32 and you lose a lot of features if you go that route. This is a big deal when you've got terabytes of data on drives and a heterogenous computing environment.

Comment More details please... (Score 1) 75

Will an experienced admin (20+ years *NIX) that's currently using RackSpace (dedicated and cloud) learn anything from this book? It's so hard to tell from this review.

I've been using RackSpace for a few months now and I find that it's not much different than hosting the servers myself except I don't have to deal with things like router/switch configuration and hardware replacements.

Comment I blame Phrack Magazine (Score 2) 231

I got Internet access back in '91 as a sophomore in high school and discovered Phrack Magazine. I never did anything explicitly malicious, but I did accidentally crash the campus SunOS server a couple of times.

  • I made a lineman's handset and clipped into the neighborhood's telephone junction box.
  • I ran a trojan login program on the computers in my residence hall and got a bunch of passwords.
  • I misconfigured the MSDOS program that allowed you to connect from IPX to TCP/IP and set my local address to the same value as the remote system and tried connecting. That apparently was enough to crash the remote server.

No legal problems, but I did have a few meetings with school administration due to me not being able to keep my mouth shut. The login trojan cost me a job working in the school's computer center. Crashing the campus server got me called into the Dean's office.

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