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Comment Re:facebook is an american company (Score 1) 559

I can see some level headed justification here... Though it's historically known that Govt. services constantly get the process wrong and like to blame other parties without having a good hard look at themselves before doing so.

On one hand I see Facebook is just like any other communication service. I.E email. If I sent abusive emails to X person then the police went and placed criminal charges on the developers of Exim, that seems hardly fair. On the other hand with Facebook it's akin to an email box except that everyone whose' my friend can read what's in it (and THEN some!).

So the question is who holds the power in this kind of situation? me the account holder, Facebook itself, or local law enforcement?

I can switch off my account or delete posts on my wall at any time but that wont stop the bullying. I cannot prevent the posts within the communities established within Facebook (other walls and Facebook pages) which I can see is the same as say someone verbally abusing me on the street. I can go in my house (block the person) but it doesn't stop the person from ranting and raving out the front of my house, that is, until the police show up.

That's my justification for this and though I wouldn't like to see this issue escalate to criminal charges placed on Facebook. FaceBook is in fact preventing law enforcement to keep the peace in this situation by preventing them from doing their job.

How do we fix that? I'd say its a two sides of the coin issue myself and are we going to hire a Govt appointed 911 for Facebook over this?

Comment Re:Generational gap (Score 2) 335

Yeah, phewy to that! It's a nice concept and I hope that some will follow your sentiment but highly unlikely.

The world today is presently filled with all manner of creeds, healthy and unhealthy. To assume that your ideal will be common place and era in a new level of social acceptance, though positive and possible, it's a shot in the dark to say the least.

The only way I see it not being so far fetched is if our social constructs were to change. I.E our political design being a big one. Watched the Daily Show much?

We live in a society where today I saw a 13 year old girl dragged on TV to publicly apologise for calling a dark skinned football player an ape from a grandstand during a nationally televised football match. Now setting the whole racism aspect of this aside tell me how, as a society, we are growing away from this? Because when I was a kid growing up, going to the football and listening to the comic relief of the crowd hurling abuse at the players was the highlight of the whole evening.

We are entering a society where everything is everyone else's fault. You can be sued for stupid reasons and be thrown in front of a TV camera for doing something minor (yes even with the racism aspect included it's minor what she did, decapitating soldiers, not so much).

Take your words, flip them on it's head, Now that's real future I believe.

Comment Re:Facebook is a utility. (Score 1) 192

I beg to agree to disagree. Everyone may have it, even the people who say they don't, but from both a capitalistic and consumer perspective it doesn't help the value of Facebook.

For those who have Facebook who wish to not use it do so out of necessity E.G me. I have a Facebook account which is a complete sock puppet (yes against the Terms of Use please ban me I'm so worried) which I use as a developer to create Facebook integration services for my customers', which is hardly ever. My wife uses Facebook to communicate with friends but holds no loyalty and is waiting for the next big thing to take everyone off Facebook so she doesn't have to see any more painful ads polluting her screen.

Do either of us give value to Facebook? Maybe my wife does because she keys data into it about herself but even then she states that half of what she puts in is crap. She refuses to click on the ads so no value there and as for that 90% of the stuff she keys into Facebook you certainly cannot use that data effectively and sell it with guarantee that the information is in anyway useful and I think this statement goes for MOST Facebook users.

See, Facebook is all about socialising and everyone has a social side, likewise everyone has a personal side. Facebook's BIGGEST downfall is assuming the both are the same. People put information on Facebook that they want the rest of the world (network) to see. They do so because they want to show certain information. When Graph search came out and Facebook was expecting people to key in their dentists for example I was like "never gonna work" and it's because of this very reason.

So what is the value of Facebook.

a) It holds an unregulated metric of data which is purely dependent on the "desire" of the user, this is wholly proven by celebrities or any public figure because they wont have their Mom added to a public Facebook account which has 1,000's of fans a linked into.
b) That metric of data can only be used as a significant speculative indicator for marketers. Where as Google has built quite cleverly an affective metric in the ways to gauge popularity of websites and information. In fact there is an entire industry out there called the SEO / SEM industry based on these metrics.
c) Social Networking as an industry has legs but what we've found is that it's not with FaceBook. FaceBook works great for selling travel, restaurants or places of interest and even events. Not so good for retail or actual products and absolutely useless for B2B sales.

So all that's left is the mobile market and this is like Apple deciding to sell routers and server hardware, not a strong point of theirs. The mobile market is held by the device manufacturers and more particularly the SEO / SEM industry.

The only real way for FB to make any long term money is to abandon social networking and use the money they have which is kinda what they are doing. Graph was a good idea but Google Places has been there for years now and is directly built into your phone. FaceBook Home was a small half backed investment trying to take on the likes of Apple and Samsung and it really buckles chance.

Comment Re:Unbelievable... (Score 1) 199

Yes but let's not forget about the guys at Jabba and what they have in store in the coming years.

What I see for FaceBook's future is pretty inevitable. Consider Google+ for Droid, Skype for Windows, Apple figures something out and then there is FaceBook which simply becomes a desktop access point based on people's personal preference, as you would make your choices of search engine you'd also make your choice on what Social Media website to use and if there is an open standard for all then you're only going after the interface preference not what data resides because it all becomes the same data anyway.

If those projects for tying open communications comes to pass then what's really stopping Android from adopting a syncing facility that sends data to Facebook after uploading it to G+? or Apple doing the same? We are talking about text and photos, it isn't complex blocks of encrypted binary here it's stuff the web does every single day.

The world is gagging for a proper communication standard which trumps sms, voice and most defiantly social media. Mobilising Facebook though sounds hip to investors it's bringing it closer to it's death. The people who build mobile devices are smart enough and capable enough to build Facebook features directly into the phone as they are capable to build features into their own social media platforms. All I see the FB website will become is a desktop front-end for this open standard one day.

Of course Facebook can try all they want to lock it down but remember who's devices are they running on? and though the shit fight between device creators and Facebook hasn't started yet. I'm almost certian when FB fails to come up with the goods within the next few years there will be this exact shit fight. Though Google and Apple are used to this kind of crap I feel FB isn't because there ain't no way Apple or Google are prepared to give up market share on their Appstores to some 3rd party no matter how popular they are.

Comment Re:It is as if there is no law (Score 1) 893

Cant agree with your boss, friend, professor whatever or how well he practised his trade or knew his stuff and believed what he believed. The problem is this.

Our socialistic views created the concept of taxing rich and "ridiculously" high thresholds, seriously, for example if I earn any profits out of my business the Govt gets to take 30 - 40% of it! LUNACY! Then I get to see that Govt take massive chunks of cash and spend it on shit, not good shit, not bad shit. SHIT SHIT.

Our fascist views created the concept of Tax Avoidance because they are sick of seeing lazy ass cock sucking politicians waste said money on shit shit. Now don't get me wrong, I believe that what is going on here is wrong, unethical and without a doubt terrible.

But it's not the case of what your friend speaks, it's a case of the entire system being not corrupt, not underhanded but just being plain obsolete, futile, broken, dumb-shit run, total dickheadedry, so on and so fourth.

Technology exposes these injustices but the irony is technology causes money to also move at a click of a button, so, technology made what's going on and technology is what is going to break it. Hopefully.

Also Julian Assange probably didn't publish these docs because he's hiding up in the Ecuadoran embassy where half the politicians protecting him are stashing cash in the BVI. A strange tinge of irony as well if this was the case hey? :)

Comment Re:Google should be concerned... (Score 1) 112

I wouldn't be too worried if I were Google.

The only reason why Facebook needs this because it has no real mobile monetization plan in place. What this is supposed to do is bring mobile share across to Facebook so they can sell ad space, however, the struggles are numerous and to just touch on a few we only have to look at what other companies have had to fair over the past 5 years.

So consider this how much money are they going to spend in tandem with the likelihood that a dwindling Chinese manufacturer such as HTC is even going to make a dent in to the likes of Apple and Samsung?

Rather than say "oh Google should be scared" how about HTF (How the fuck) is HTC and FB going to fair the smartphone shit fight?

I'd say it's a fly by nighter, once off, grab an expiring marketshare that wont lead anyway into the future, Like i've always said, FB should of made a camera not a phone.

Comment Re:I am shocked (Score 1) 133

With those those electric fields, are they fields of wind, sun or coal electricity? or doesn't it matter? Bees can communicate with all types of fields which contain electricity?

Examples of the fields I'm talking about

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