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Comment Re:Java Vista (Score 1) 251

It sounds like Java 9 is the Windows Vista version of Java: it broke backwards compatibility and made users apprehensive to upgrade yet despite that, it was absolutely necessary to increase the quality and the long-term maintainability of the product. Assuming that they didn't make any other major changes that created significant difficulties in upgrading past version 9, I think I agree that Java will be better in the long-term for these changes.

Except Windows Vista was slow as sh!t and Java 9 should be faster than 8

Comment Re:Not the right metric. (Score 1) 106

Better metric would be, how many games that I want to play work on Steam on Linux, I promise you the number is far, far lower then the Hackers Quarterly.

How about some citations on what you might want to play? Everything I like to play is there, even titles I'm still considering buying since I still didn't manage to play everything me and my gf own together. And theres is like all recent eldes scrolls except maybe the MMORPG thing, all tomb raider, thief, all of the witcher, planetary annihilation...

Comment Re:Is Wine Useful? (Score 1) 202

About 2, you might run into driver issues in windows as well (ex: periodic crashing in Witcher 2). On wine, depends on the game. Skyrim (not special edition) runs just fine, including with skse, skyui and the ESB shader stuff

Comment Re:QtQuick is killing KDE. (Score 1) 515

I had a conversation on this just Friday, so weird that it's on /. a day later. As a KDE user and Qt developer (who uses Qt). The widget's-only Qt of old was solid. The QtQuick that KDE4 was based on didn't really fit. It's a transition that's still being made.

Stopped reading right there. I'm pretty sure QtQuick disn't exists around KDE4 time and I'm certain none of it is used in the DE. Some stuff in Plasma 5 might use it, but only in the lastests releases and is hard to notice.

Comment Re:ALT+LEFT (Score 1) 141

Because 'backspace to go back' is default behavior in a lot of programs, not just web browsers. Try it in File Explorer, for example.

Just like F1 being a nearly universal shortcut for 'help', F2 for 'rename', F3 or CTRL+F for 'search', and so on. I shouldn't have to relearn shortcuts for common behaviors in every program I want to use.

Except webpages have lots of inner controls (memos or custom js-controlled stuff) where the user sees text and expect the backspace to delete the prior character. Try that in spreadsheet who share that specific requirement and see if backspace goes to the "prior tabsheet"

Comment Re:We need something... (Score 1) 104

What I'd really like is a Javascript-like language - that compiles to efficient Javascript - where I get to structure my application; enforce type constraints at compile-time; provide test-time assertions... etc... and allow me to implement my Javascript application as a collection of independently tested components.

So you want Ceylon then?

Comment Re:Reversable? (Score 1) 208

But if you plug it in the other way round won't the phone charge the car's battery, and the 1's become 0's on the data?

No. You just have to keep the charging device elevated above the charged device. It works like a siphon.

Insighful??? Is this serious really?

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