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Comment Re:Germany had the last laugh... (Score 1) 323

No. The space before the full stop has nothing to do with typesetting. It is a writing style now out of favour. A few years ago I edited a 500 page document and had to remove all the spaces before stops. Easy enough to do - just search for " " and replace with "" a few times but a hassle none the less. The author was an 80 year old writer of esoteric dogma. She also indented the first word at the beginning of every paragraph.

Comment Re:I am SHOCKED! (Score 1) 323

Spot on! Latin was used for diplomatic and administrative purposes across Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe during the times of the Holy Roman Empire. Why? Because of the huge problem of communication with peoples within the empire. At least 19 different languages had to have some sort of commonality, and the RC church was the ideal way of this kind of transmission.
Don't forget that the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Rite) lasted to 1250 and used Greek and Latin. The Holy Roman Empire (in some form) lasted till 1918, with the last Emperor, Otto Hapsburg dying a few years ago.
So even though Austrian German was the operative language for hundreds of years, Latin was used as the written form and spoken still in diplomatic circles when German was not shared. The old Austro-Hungarian Empire officially stopped using Latin in 1867, although in practice it was used for another 50 years as German became the lingua franca.
However I should point out that the watershed v German and English had a profound effect of Sciences and History. Even today, the ex-Axis countries are repairing the gap. Their Universities were not recognized in the West, and the Western academia have consequently poor knowledge of Central and Eastern European sciences as it wasn't inclusive in the Western mindset.

Comment Re:Modern Television Style - Thanks Beyond Product (Score 1) 364

Close but no cigar. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it went like this:

Towards 2000 (Beyond production) - a 1hr episode by Australians for Australians in the 90's
Beyond 2000 - Same though after 2000 AD - then came Mythbusters for the US market.
The 2 original shows were future science, gadget shows and had no Mythbuster content. The 43 minute show format is purely a US production.
Note: Jamie and Adam are here in Oz right now and have a stage show where they are mythbusting all by themselves.

Comment Re:Could it be Micro$oft ... (Score 1) 112

I would be more interested in knowing the parameters and outcomes of the software.
Otherwise the code could be as simple as 1+n where n are all the prior votes counted.
Sounds too simple to be an issue so I assume it's got to be a lot more complex than that.
The electoral rolls are marked by hand in each polling place. Even if all sheets are scanned then checked later, it should be a no-brainer piece of code.

Comment Re:Microsoft is wasting people's time (Score 1) 346

YMMV - The i7 I was referring to was an Asus about 12 months old. It was clean, dust free and otherwise worked well. I had it upstairs near my DVD collection and would rip a DVD (using Handbrake), then copy the mkv file to my home server, if the rip took less than 40 mins, then all ok, but if I happened to be around and ripped a 2nd DVD within a few minutes, then BEFORE it finished the rip, it would shut down. After looking at logs etc, I worked out it was overheating. A USB fan~table did help but I would give it 30 mins to cool off before I ripped again.
Strangely, a crappy Compaq C60 would rip without problems, but it took soo long that it wasn't worth the wait. In the end, I was ripping on a Dual core tower and the i7 laptop without too many problems.

Comment Re:Microsoft is wasting people's time (Score 1) 346

True. A high end i7 laptop will normally overheat when ripping a DVD or any heavy duty process that lasts for 45+ mins. They are just not designed to be a workhorse. In fact, I can't think of any reason why you should buy an i7 laptop as far as software is concerned. You going to render massive images for hrs on a laptop???
Laptops are a compromise, not a replacement.
Netbooks/Tablets are a different matter and much more suited to Win 8. Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 is excellent and works a treat with Win 7/8 installations. The $99 MS tablet would be an excellent addition to the MS environment. But Win 8 (and 8.1) was never designed to operate on a desktop environment. Win 9 will be and during installation, it will determine which GUI to install. I can hardly wait till 3rd quarter 2015 when it is released.

Comment Re:This is just how people are. (Score 1) 710

You can wind down the cpu voltage and leave the HD in a power down state. I ran a home server for years with a total TPC of around 45 watts when on and around 5 watts on standby.
I also paid for a 3KW solar and now use a turbo diesel car with excellent economy. All bulbs are low wattage and when I pay for electrical usage, it is minimal. The supplier pays me 60c/KW and the electricity is solely Hydro. There are no other forms of energy available to me where I live (no gas/coal etc) but I can burn wood for heating.

Comment Re:I'm liking how Russia is standing up these days (Score 1) 234

Not being USA-ian, I'm not sure what actions or statements are treason. But some of the Republican statements that have come out publicly against Obama are not only personally offensive but are against the State: i.e. Treasonous - that the opposition won't support a bill because they don't consider Obama capable. It was much worse than, implicating the majority that voted him in twice! But I forget the actual insult. I think Obama would of had more than enough to arrest the leadership of the Republican party for treasonous statements. Yet he has done nothing.

As for the Russians? Well history since WWII has clearly shown that Russia has used their gas pipelines, forcing nations into dependency, raising and lowering prices ad hoc, putting political and economic pressures on these now dependent countries. That was the bribe used against the Ukraine in late 2013 - cheap gas and billions of rubles for them to stay out of the EU.

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