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Comment Re:USA in good company... (Score 1) 649

I'm against the death penalty, but I'm willing to admit that there may be justifiable exceptions. Is this one of them? That was for the jury to decide, not me, but I certainly won't lose any sleep over their decision.

THAT is an excellent question. I could counter that if you are against the death penalty, then stick to your guns. But I also agree that there can be justifiable exceptions, but then my ethics take over and say that there are no justifiable reasons to kill. I would kill to protect myself from being killed. I would kill to prevent someone from being tortured if there was no other choice. But take the decision from my hands so I won't be responsible? It is too easy to shun responsibility like that.
Some cultures see 'warranted' execution as mercy. Maybe this is a case of mercy.

Comment Re:Analogue computer (Score 3, Funny) 86

The bit is either there, or it's not. And if you look at it, then it may not be there or it might, but you don't know because 50% of the time it may be entangled with another bit yet you can't observe it because if you do you know that the other bit is the opposite of the bit you would be looking at if it existed on this side of a wormhole. Simple really.

Comment Re:I love this story. (Score 1) 361

I just don't know how to respond to your post without being a total and utter geezer. Maybe if you explain what you think 'alternative rock' is, I may be able to identify with some of your taste.
As far as Ariana is concerned, I just can't watch her for too long as she has an unfortunate face. Same with Miley Cyrus. I really don't want her arse in my face. I don't find it enjoyable at all.

Comment Re:Exception (Score 1) 244

I agree. A few years ago I decided to install it on an old Dell SFF I had just bought from an auction.
Using the online doc for Arch, it went smoothly (I'm a non-linux user btw). The machine kept crashing though. I asked on the forums and they were helpful but I soon got out of my comfort level. Turns out that the machine had hardware issues totally unrelated to the OS! Not a good start, but I remember how helpful the docs and the forum was and I'll try again soon.

Comment Re:Need more information (Score 1) 200

You are so right. In the end, you will lose the ability of retaining the original document after processing, so converting into the most powerful format is probably the best. But as we don't know anything more, it's pretty much impossible to give further advice.
Some pdf uploads may cause concern as they may not be searchable due to character encoding from non-US keyboards. I've struck that many times in the past and there is no easy way out of that.
I was thinking that indexing each document before storage might be the best way to go. Creating, exporting, storing and using the index is another matter entirely and would take up more space.

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