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Comment Re:The device is cheap, but the cartridges ... (Score 3, Funny) 123

Did anyone think about the poor sod whose job it was to burn the mice? I mean, it's difficult to catch mice that have just unsuccessfully rushed into burning buildings, or set themselves on fire by accident.

Then again, I know a guy who works in tissue engineering whose job is to "harvest" mice, as he calls it. Keeps their heads in a jar above his desk. Apparently, they bob around all day with a smiling expression.

You have to get your hands dirty for a lot of science...

Comment Re:Linux is vulnerable too (Score 4, Informative) 187

Maybe you should actually, you know,...use Linux before you attempt to troll about security.

What's even worse than with Windows is that since 'rm' is just a normal binary the PDF can launch that, and if you run as root privileges, just issue a command like "rm -rf /". If you don't run as root, then for example Ubuntu should give you the sudo box to input password to. This of course being just one of the examples it could do. Remember that most malware doesn't even need root access to function.

Nobody uses the root account in Linux for everyday activity. In Ubuntu, root login is even disabled by default (you have to sudo). So no worries about the system in general. Although it's pretty devastating to issue a "rm -rf ~" to delete the user's home directory, it's on par with Windows. Then you say that most malware doesn't even need root access to function, but on all the millions of XP boxes out there, it's already given root access by default.

Another reason why it would be even more serious on Linux is the way you can pipe commands and how most systems come pre-packaged with a ton of little utility apps. You can create the whole malware with a series of commands, or wget a bash script from the internet and start that to hide even more malware in the system.

Windows has a pipe function too, in addition to being able to zoink your whole file system with a simple "del". It also comes with ftp and telnet, which are handy replacements for wget. In short telnet+response file = download an .exe from the web = any sort of functionality you might want using Unix command line tools.

Your comment, sir, is vapid.

Comment Re:He could have fixed it with a wave of the hand (Score 4, Insightful) 615

"These are not the dorks you are looking for."

Not only that, only nerds would get excited about a STOCK response from HR about discrimination, and then post it on slashdot. Not trying to troll here, but HR folks aren't lawyers, and are trained to be extremely careful when it comes to possible litigation. In short, even the bad publicity makes it worthwhile for HR to apologize to this "Jedi" instead of saying something like "we only recognize jedis on active duty, with working light sabers".

Comment bubbles = isolation (Score 1) 198

Initially, the idea of "code bubbles" sounds intuitive -- isolated, self-contained, easily testable pieces of code, with well-defined inputs and outputs. Then you could build a complex program by stringing these bubbles together (in theory, anyway).

Then TFS mentions something as banal as "wrapping long lines of code"....and my bubble bursts.

Comment Re:This is so [not] surprising! (Score 2, Interesting) 190

This seems to be a non-story, unless this is the first time these financial ties have been revealed between bit torrent researchers and ISPs.

This is not so much about calling the researchers' methods and findings into question as the ISPs motivation for funding the research. As far as I can tell, the research seems to be sound and pretty neat. The question is WHY are ISPs interested in FUNDING this sort of research?

One possibility that the submitter didn't consider is the fact that many researchers list their funding sources on all published papers, regardless of whether the funding was given to fund that specific project. So it could be that ISPs generally fund this particular research group in any case, and they happened to put out a paper that analyzes BT. In other words, there might not be anything sinister going on.

Comment Re:What? (Score 4, Informative) 345

Don't get me wrong, it would be incredibly cost, labor and time expensive, and require real computer scientists, but it is certainly possible.

Speaking as a "real" computer scientist, I think you might have underestimated the time requirement. Most problems in automatic verification are either undecidable, or intractable.

Comment Re:Orange and purple are more professional? (Score 5, Insightful) 683

Never mind the use of 'professional orange and purple'. From TFA:

"We're drawn to Light because it denotes both warmth and clarity, and intrigued by the idea that 'light' is a good value in software. Good software is 'light' in the sense that it uses your resources efficiently, runs quickly, and can easily be reshaped as needed," the design documentation says. "Visually, light is beautiful, light is ethereal, light brings clarity and comfort."

Why do "design documents" always have to be so banal? I mean, "visually, light is beautiful"?!!? Seriously?

Comment Re:Sick? (Score 1) 57

CNN was actually discussing this in their reporting yesterday. They were very clear about this being done by bad folks, not the web in general, and the things people should look out for.

Given the amount of money and time CNN has invested in gadgetry and web-whizbangery, over any other network by far, they would be fools to (a) draw too much attention to this unless it becomes a serious problem, and (b) NOT cover it calmly, and without resorting to fear-mongering. I suppose that answers GP's question, at least as far as CNN. Now, Murdoch-owned Fox News is a different story altogether....

Comment Re:Sleep and Work? (Score 2, Informative) 93

Seeing how 66.67% of the time I am either sleeping at home or at work it shouldn't be too hard to fill the other 27% with commute/grocery shopping.

You're not too far off. I worked at the research wing of a phone company, and I can tell you that "tracking" a person using a cell tower is pretty coarse, even in urban areas. Given that most people go to work on weekdays, I'd say that a lot of your "movement" could be predicted on this level by just predicting your average movement. Add in a weekday/weekend variation, and 93% is hardly surprising.

This isn't even one of those "well duh, in RETROSPECT everything is obvious" studies -- anyone who has ever worked with CDR (mobile phone) data knows that this is pretty obvious even before running the experiments.

And for the people who bring up the MIT Reality Mining experiment, keep in mind that they tracked about 100 *individuals*, all of whom were MIT students with pretty regular routines.

Comment Re:Isn't it obvious ? (Score 4, Informative) 210

Isn't it obvious that the fear of something will have an impact even on the simplest things where something relative to that fear is involved ?

Yes, but I think what this study was trying to test was how basic the task has to be for the fear response to have a measurable effect. Turns out, pretty damn basic.

Comment nevermind the blind -- bring on the androids (Score 5, Interesting) 226

If they achieve VGA resolution, it's a steady road to full vision for the blind. I'm more interested in, at this point, exceeding human abilities. Think of the case of HDR imaging -- we currently don't have monitors (most of us at least) that are high dynamic range themselves, so images have to be "tone-mapped" to the dynamic range of our monitors, which often results in those ridiculously sharp but somewhat "unrealistic" pictures you see on Flickr.

It would be cool if, say, the IR spectrum or just more dynamic range in the visible spectrum could be tone-mapped to human perception in this way, resulting in perceptually sharper images by way of a direct retinal implant.

Comment Re:mediawiki (Score 5, Informative) 122

Try Mendeley. They're still pretty new, but very promising with their desktop client for Linux/Mac/Win in addition to the web interface. They also sync perfectly with Zotero and CiteULike, which makes migration easier. You can annotate PDFs directly in the desktop, but I think only the latest beta build has support for sync'ing the annotations across multiple computers. I'm hopeful for them -- it's definitely one of the most promising Ref manager systems I've seen (oh yes, they also support Bibtex,Endnote,Refworks formats heavily)

Comment Re:Opera's Motivation (Score 3, Interesting) 292

Certainly, Apple will reject the app and Opera knows it. Maybe Opera tries to strengthen Apple's "Evil Empire" image and deal with it with the help of EU (just like they did with Microsoft recently).

My first thought on reading the summary was "where's the leverage?" Either Opera is talking right through their own asses, or they have some serious leverage -- certainly more than just bad PR (which Apple seems immune to anyway). They've invested time and manpower in this project, one can only hope that someone's cojones over at Apple are in a vice grip, and that we will all soon enjoy the big red O on our iPhones.

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