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Comment Re:Surprise? (Score 2) 405

It isn't that older CPU couldn't support multi-threading, but the fact it was a single CPU, And threading similar tasks will not offer performance increase per coding complexity. So most programs were not multi-threaded, to do parallel processing, they were multi-threaded as to not hinder the User Interface, or to handle multiple interface requests. (Such as having many users login to the same port) .

Most Desktop applications didn't even bother going that far.
Now with multi-CPU cores, you can have each CPU doing the same calls in Parallel so you can do major speed improvements in you single app.
It isn't the peaking in hardware technology, but reliance on legacy software that was designed for simpler times.

Comment Re:Surprise? (Score 4, Insightful) 405

The PC have improved. But with Parallel processing. And most programs are not coded to take advantage of the multiple cores. So the speed of any one of your programs has more or less peaked. However you can run more at the same time.
Until we can come up with easier methods than threads hacks added to most languages, we will still be mostly programming for a single CPU and not parallel processing. It will also help for more colleges to have Parallel processing as part of its undergrad program. Most introduce it in Grad School.

Comment Sadly she won't (Score 4, Informative) 557

Because it is good advice for actual progress. Wu isn't a feminist, she's a professional victim. I mean that literally: She makes her money by whining about being victimized and guilting people in to donating to her pateron to fund her life. She's a developer in only the most basic sense. She has one product ever, a mobile game that is very poor quality. She has no track record for actually working to advance women's rights or gender equality. Her profession is literally being a victim.

So she has no interest in advice from actual successful women developers because she's not. Her issue isn't having lots of skill but being kept down because of gender, it is having minimal skills and then playing pretend about the source of her problems.

That's why she agreed to the Ask Slashdot. She wanted the "mean" questions she refused to answer because she can point to those as examples of "harassment" to further her cause. She's not stupid, she knew what she was doing.

However while she won't take your advice, hopefully other women will, because it is excellent.

Comment Re:Commission (Score 1, Flamebait) 634

I applied there a while back, a decade or so.
The interview questions on the form I found to be really bias towards younger hipster type of people.
Asking questions on political philosophy and working in a startup environment.

Experience for Google doesn't seem to matter.

The issue with age discrimination is from experience with that older fellow who is just coasting to retirement not willing to learn or change, and has been in the same position for decades.
However there are also the ones who are just as on top of it as them whipper snappers and can code circles around them.

Comment Re:Say what? (Score 1) 83

I think it is part of the normal bad science reporting.
But for a lot of stuff now we cannot get the actual picture but a series of datapoint that a computer will translate as an image. Where assumption are made in the program and some parts may be distorted or just wrong.

Comment Re:Well, there have been couple of cases... (Score 1) 232

Notepad type of programs when printing send raw text.
The more advanced word processors sush as word perfect and word for DOS send additional print commands.
The bad cable may not been able to pickup the extra commands.
Or more likely the printing from word, had the port speed set a little faster then the bad cable can handle.
I wonder what would happen if you printed a J

Comment Re:What's a Tufte test? (Score 1) 132

There are a lot of factors.
1. States that allow fracking normally republican, also poorly implement the ACA/Obama Care so they can get political points to show that it doesn't work.
2. Increase in blue collar industrial jobs. The reason why these jobs get paid a bit more is to compensate for increased risk. Now that could be from people who are working in many other fields.
3. Population shift. Families move out, high risk taker single guys come in, with heavy drinking.

That is just a few on the top of my head.

Comment Re:He has a talent for understatement (Score 1) 305

This has been going on for over a decade, after Clinton near the end of his term expanded H1B for IT workers, near the tail end of the tech bubble.
At the time there was a bit of a shortage, but schools were filled with tech student waiting to get into these new tech job.
Then the bubble popped.
The market was over saturated and we had the H1B laws in place, and the infrastructure that was built allowed people to work from where ever is cheaper (India, China...)
Now the companies are still crying shortage, but it isn't that much of a shortage, it is the fact that they need to hire skilled employees in their cost centers, where usually with the exception of finance, they can hire any slob to do the job.

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