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Comment Re:The Keystone Pipeline already exists (Score 1) 437

Don't be a ditto head, think for your self man. The oil is being pumped, the oil is being transported, and the oil is being burned regardless of how it gets from point A to point B. If anything the pipeline would have the "environmental" scale pan tipping towards it. Pipes don't necessarily have to be powered by fossil fuel and piles don't derail. This is Canadian interests trying to hijack American politics and you're party to the Kool-aid chugging.

Comment Re:The Keystone Pipeline already exists (Score 1) 437

Um, how would allowing Canada to bypass the US and put the oil instead on ships bound for elsewhere increase US oil exports? The US isn't exporting that oil, Canada is exporting that oil. Right now, Canada is incentivized to sell the oil for cheap to the US since access to more lucrative markets come with higher costs. Letting Canada extend their pipeline might help Canada and China, but it will do precious little for the US and quite probably hurt it.

Comment Re:It'll never happen (Score 2) 333

The calculation is based upon assumed energy requirements. In other words the resource to be exploited cannot possibly be valued more than the assumed energy required to obtain it.

Of course this line of rationale falls in to the "rational actor" fallacy. Since humans aren't rational actors, why would aliens have to be?

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