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Comment Who will invest in baseload generators ? (Score 1) 421

The main point of the article is that the renewables are lowering the rentability of the baseload generator because they lower the marginal price to zero when the conditions are good.

This does not means that we don't need the gas/nuclear/coal ones at night when the wind does not blow.

Who will pay for them ?

Comment Re:Check your math. (Score 1) 880

Actually, I think that the Christian rules are even a bit stronger, and I'd correct your phrase as follows:

- So a Christian fanatic, who wishes to live by the word of his god is not compelled to convert or kill anyone

+ So a Christian fanatic, who wishes to live by the word of his god is compelled not to kill anyone

Comment Quite a bit of hyperbole in there (Score 1) 179

I only watched the beginning at this point, but the presenter says something that does not bode too well for the rest. Speaking about how it was bad that the client side parser was insecure, especially for setuid clients:

This code was written in the eighties with the assumption that the server is trusted so there is little validation on the client side.

Well, of course the server is trusted. This is the code which runs on your local workstation. If your input terminal is compromised, you're so hosed anyway that it's not really worth considering exactly what hole they will be using !

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