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Comment Re:Don't know why I keep buying these (Score 1) 145

My bad. Cogs did work on my android phone, not very fluidly, but worked. Didn't try it on the (debian) desktop.
And yes, perhaps I am expecting too much from my oldish hardware, but there are many games that I thought should work (notice that those that don't are not necessarily the ones with the fanciest graphics).

Comment Re:Answering your own question? (Score 1) 145

That is exactly what I intend to do from now on. Pay $5 to the charities and up the amount if the games work and I feel they are worth it. The thing is, it is not so much about the money as it is about waiting for the download to complete, fiddle around with the installers, browse forums looking for answers, and the general frustration about things not working.

Comment Don't know why I keep buying these (Score 2) 145

Tempting offer, but past experience indicates (for me, at least) I get only 50% of my games worth:
Games that I tried & worked: World of Goo, Lugaru HD, Aquaria, Osmos, Revenge of the Titans, Cortex Command, Frozen Synapse, VVVVVV, Steel Storm, Avadon, Canabalt, Cogs, Darwinina, Multiwinia, Uplink, Dungeons of Dredmor

Games that didn't work, despite my efforts (and sometimes insistence trying to get support): Gish, Penumbra: Overture, Samorost 2, Braid, Machinarium, Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor, Jack Claw, SpaceChem, Trauma, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, Hammerfight, Zen Bound 2

Games that were promised but never actually released: Splot

That said, World of Goo, Frozen Synapse & Dungeons of Dredmor alone were worth all the frustration.

Comment Re:Limbo Linux port (Score 1) 145

"Proper native Linux port"... maybe but more often its just some flash thingy that runs very poorly. In my experience you have to count on half or more of any given bundle's games not working.* It is really a blind guess, and support is awful. This time I am going to pay $5 or so (to charity) and only up the amount later, if the games run.

*Notable exception: the introversion/dredmor bundle

Comment Re:Sexism (Score 1) 211

It needs "fixing" why?

Because of the thousands of potentially great programmers that are not working in the field? It's like the good male programmers would be displaced if the female-to-male ratio was even, it would (hopefully) be the bad ones, if any.

On a different topic, I see you are currently at "+3, Troll": very, very close to attaining the coveted holy grail of slashdothood, the "+5 Troll". Well done.

Comment Re:First (Score 2) 447

I, for one, would prefer there was an alternative to Android & iOS. Both those systems have a lot of problems, and a little competition could help everyone (the customers, mostly). Nokia's excelent reputation, justified or not, could certainly accomplish that.

What that alternative should be-- not sure. Apparently not WP, but Mer/Tizen, perhaps? Or are those doomed to remain vaporware?

Comment Re:WTF (Score 2) 504

Actually I think the OP has an advantage in comparison to people who just go into CS. He or she could potentially find a niche where cross-field skills and knowledge are needed, i.e. where people with computer-oriented degrees fail to understand the semantics of problems.

My own experience is similar: while studying earth sciences, I have being paying the rent programming for prof's scientific projects. They prefer to hire me than a CS student, despite the former's far more advanced technical skills, because I (usually) understand what it is all about.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 2) 607

Hell, if force is used it becomes robbery.

Forced was used if the guy snatched it out of the paparazzo's hands.

IANAL, but I see three issues here:
- The destruction (or damage, at least) of the $500 phone and possibly its contents.
- The use of force.
- The obstruction of a perfectly lawful action - taking a photograph in a public place.

As a guy who enjoys shooting and looking at street photography, IMO the last one is the most severe offense. A few hundred bucks and a scare is nothing in comparison to the potential erosion to artistic and journalistic freedom if this behaviour is accepted.

Comment Re:Hashes (Score 1) 385

There are even less combinations, because the minimum number of dots is, if I remember correctly, 4. Plus, some you can't "skip" dots, e.g. you cant go from the upper left to the lower right without activating the middle dot.

How many combinations exactly are possible is left as an exercise for the reader.

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