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Comment Re:No thanks -- oh for goodness sake (Score 1) 230

The people PJ exposes fight dirty.

Perhaps not relevant to the discussion, but I have to point out that when PJ dealt with GPL v3 (many articles on Groklaw when it was being drafted), she did not say anything about her involvement in the process(and so, potential conflict of interest) until *after* the license was approved.

PJ was targeted with a very aggressive smear campaign (O' Gara and co.) that IMO went far beyond the limits of decency, but it doesn't mean she's perfect. That point I mentioned was a major letdown for me.

I like a lot the investigative side of Groklaw, but I like a lot less paranoia-induced articles like this one.

Comment Re:Disaster management (Score 1) 89

The UI update has been already delivered, two weeks ago. The "anedocte" was also found to be completely baseless (an unconfirmed report on IM, without any other external sources).
Oh, and don't expect servers to move: the good thing about FFXI, shared with FFXIV is that the servers were cross region.

Comment Staff is largely the same - only Tanaka was fired (Score 2) 89

Yes, I said "was fired" because this is what is in practice, despite the announcement. The rest is always the same people, with different positions.

Personally, I find this announcement more worrying than the state of the game (which I've been enjoying, despite its flaws). The risk is that the "new" team will try to pull a "NGE-like" thing and scrap what was good and different about XIV to fix the problems the game has.

Comment Re:Don't do it... join forces to Ubuntu. (Score 1) 206

You can easily select "community repositories" from YaST. No need to know addresses and everything. And zypper, the package management tool (command-line), is also quite powerful nowadays. Plus, you have the openSUSE Build Service to make your own packages (and with kde-obs-generator you can make ones without knowing too much about packaging as well), openSUSE and other distros alike.

Comment Re:surprises... (Score 1) 233

I don't think so. THe group I work in has had some papers in very respectable journals, and a few high-profile ones, yet this "peer review" problem is quite felt. It's not a generalized mafia, mind you. But I'd really prefer that the refereeing would be done in double blind.

Comment Re:Silvio Berlusconi (Score 1) 150

The fact that he "controls" the media is an urban myth. The public television is hostage of "currents" that aren't always sided with the government, actually the opposite most of the time. Most of the media isn't really friendly to the government, going from moderate to extreme opposition (but more than to him, to the political side he represents). Culture, teaching, etc. are by most of the opposite political spectrum. So where's the control of the media?

And if you say so that justice is impartial... well that only leads to cynicism. If you go and read through all that has been published, you'll notice that there is not a single, solid piece of evidence. All based on witness evidence. The same tht happened in other cases (not involving him at all), which were thrown out on the same basis. But this is a problem of the Italian justice system in general.

Comment Re:Question to Italians (Score 1) 150

I blame the fall of the Communism. Seriously. The left wing parties are in a total identity crisis since then. With reformism being totally dead (for long time) there's not a coherent vision and parties are fragmented in different "currents" or ways of thinking. Most of them are numerically irrelevant, and usually leaders aren't strong-willed enough to gather the ranks and offer an alternative.

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