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Comment Re:Nooo, don't do this! (Score 1, Troll) 198

Please. A SIM card is not a major investment. Your provider will give you a replacement your SIM (in any form factor they support) for a nominal fee. That's not lock-in. Lock-in is what Apple originally did with iTunes DRM. They made a proprietary format that could only be played with Apple hardware and software. as a result, people could not switch to another manufacturer's portable media player without having to repurchase all of their music. Hence, they were locked in.

Comment Re:Being serious, (Score 1) 329

So wait... are you saying that the blind people who laud the iPad for its accessibility are wrong? I know I'm focusing on a single disability, but the fact that some blind people think the iPad is easy to use must mean that Apple doesn't totally suck at accessibility. I mean, it's a giant screen with 1 button on it, and friggin blind people can use it.

[Insert fanboy rant here about how Apple sucks and why do people still buy Apple stuff when I tell them every day how much it sucks and why are you walking away from me and abloobloobloo]

Comment Re:Could they really cross continents? (Score 1) 91

Very nice map link. And do you know what is also very evident? That the ice capped poles are VERY recent and NOT the normal climate of our world. So everyone please STOP complaining about the ice cap melt, they are not supposed to be there in the first place.

You might want to check your phrasing. Saying that the polar ice caps are "not supposed to be there" is nonsensical. How did they get there? Did god spilled a glass of ice water? I think the point you're trying to make is: There was a time when the polar ice caps didn't exists, and primates still managed to survive (evidently). Sorry to nitpick.

Climate change is normal, but what we really need to be concerned about is the effect of our pollution and deforestation on the planet. Fix man's destructive effects and the climate will change as it is intended.

The effect of pollution and deforestation on the planet is an acceleration of natural climate change, which is leading to the melting of the polar ice caps! So yes, you're correct: We need to seriously curtail pollution and deforestation to reduce the anthropogenic portion of climate change. But the melting polar ice caps are a big deal.

Comment Re:Onomojo (Score 1) 580

and even convinced them to start paying for simple apps that they would have never considered before (Textmate).

This is a joke, right? I mean, Textmate isn't even made by Apple.

But somehow I think most of you blind Apple supporters commenting here are likely just paid Apple contributors. Influencing the comment flow on major sites is likely a really good way to counteract negative news posts.

Ok, yeah. This totally is a joke. I'm being trolled. Right?

I'm jumping ship on this train to eventual complete control by Apple.

Rock on, dude. Keep mixin them metaphors.

Comment Re:Flash and Java not excluded from OS X (Score 1) 580

SWT uses Cocoa nowadays and it's not terrible. It may not meet Apple's standards, but I use Eclipse on a Mac and find it pretty unoffensive.

I really hope Apple will do something worthwhile with their JVM code... Ideally they'd donate it to the open source community, but even handing it over to Oracle would be better than nothing. Apple may call Java "deprecated", but it's not going anywhere. There's way too much Java code out there, especially in enterprise applications.

Comment Re:FUD! (Score 1) 580

The problem is the Launchpad. I'm an OS X user, but I can readily admit that most Mac users are Yahoo Answers-grade stupid when it comes to computers.

Do you think that the average Mac user is dumber than the average Windows user? Because I know lots of Windows users who double click links. I know people who click Edit -> Copy every time because they don't know that there are about a million faster ways to put something on the clipboard. The other day, the IT guy at work told me that Windows 7 needs to be rebooted daily. Let's just say that most computer users are stupid when it comes to computers.

To them, there will be the app store, the launchpad, and that's all they'll need because nothing else is nearly as simple.

First, it looks a lot like LaunchPad will be available to all apps, not just apps downloaded from the app store. Second, the Mac App Store strategy is exactly the strategy pursued by Android, but people love it there. Yes, novice users will primarily get their apps from the app store and yes, many developers will strive to get their apps into the app store. This is not a bad thing, because

The more advanced ones will install apps from whatever source they want.

The thing is, this just SEVERELY gimped developers who don't make apps that will fit Apple's ludicrous standards, and I think they know it.

No, it didn't. Developers who make apps that don't fit Apple's ludicrous standards will continue to distribute those apps the same way they always have. Most average users wouldn't use those apps anyway. Average users don't install Launchbar.

Good work, Steve. Your endless desire for control has likely just cost the Mac a lot of developers. Oh, it may not be immediate, but it'll happen. Goddammit.

I think you're being a little dramatic -- the app store will probably encourage indie developers to write more Mac software.

Am I just being an obnoxious Apple apologist? This whole issue feels like a tempest in a teacup. It just isn't a big deal.

Comment Re:Oh, bullshit. (Score 1) 580

If you only use an application occasionally, why do you care how current it is? Actually, I'd argue that that's a good reason to defer updating until you run the application. I'm not saying there shouldn't still be an option to update every app in a single go (which Sparkle can't do), but I'd hardly call it a must-have.

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